Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Apart from the obvious logistical issues (those little blue pills ain’t cheap and the Libyan military had much better things to spend their limited money on), do you seriously believe that chemical encouragement is required to get soldiers to commit rape?

BTW: are the furriners aware that we’re tracking Covid by testing sewage?

Probably not much use in places where infection is routine, though.

I make a habit on Twitter of instantly blocking any account that puts a sponsored tweet into my feed. As a result, I already have most major corporations blocked, so the only ads that get through are a bit more eclectic in subject.

This one was a sponsored tweet, but this time I don’t mind so much:

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For how long could you tolerate this?

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The Clinton’s favourite Middle East “expert”:

This is what park rangers look like in Australia:


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“Moral obligation”.


The perfect combination of gunwank and mansplain:

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As with war, as with climate, as with so much else: people are going to continue to die, en masse, in both the USA and in other countries (primarily poor and non-white) dominated by the USA.

And this will continue until the people of the USA (or, in extremis, the military of the not-USA) put a stop to it.

And as “it” is completely bipartisan, and as US elections are completely and securely rigged in defence of the duopoly, voting will continue to have absolutely no effect upon this situation.

While the Tas Greens are busy stoking Sinophobia at every possible opportunity, my old NSW Greens are doing this: