Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Actually, I think it’s pretty obvious what motivates the drive to distort history. White supremacy relies upon denial and deflection.

OTOH, let’s not pretend that non-US cops are wonderful, either. The roots of Australian policing go back to the colonial redcoats, and the appropriate analogy for those bastards is not “Officer Friendly”, it’s “concentration camp guard” and “genocidal death squad”.

Antivax daftness reaches NZ:

Fortunately, they can’t trigger an outbreak in a place where there isn’t any community Covid to begin with.

Middle class white libs supposedly want to increase vaccination rates?

Instead of the constant sneering and enthusiasm for punitive measures, how about they try this?

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Remember how Democrats mocked Trump and Republicans for continuing to rant about Clinton years after her defeat?

Remember how it was so obviously being used by the GOP as a means of distracting their wilfully deluded base from what was actually going on and keeping them focused on their ridiculous two minute hate?

Yeah, that.


For example, see thread (and Atlantic article) from three months ago:

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“A logistical problem”.

History thread:

This one has been floating around landlord circles for a while now:


Boiled alive.