Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


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Afghan refugee flows building:


Again: fascism is imperialism turned inwards.

There is a direct line between the mass slaughter the empire commits abroad and the collapsing society at home. Bipartisan complicity in the first creates the opportunity for the second.

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In Australia, the US and the UK, there is currently a big push to evacuate Afghans who worked for the occupying forces. ā€œIt is dishonourable to abandon our alliesā€ etc. Australian vets are burning their medals in protest.

Much the same thing happened at the close of the American War in Vietnam.

While it is easy to understand and empathise with the position of the people immediately involvedā€¦what does this situation look like from the perspective of the Afghans who did not work for the invaders? How did the people of 1940ā€™s Europe react to those who had collaborated with their occupiers? How did the Americans of the 1780ā€™s treat those who had fought for the British?

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US tax dollars hard at work.

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