Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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A wealthy American white woman, writing from the perspective of a Black man in China, marketed using Imperial Japanese imagery. Blurbed with:

“Relish the delights”. “The British kicked off Shanghai’s transformation from an unimportant backwater”. “Paris of the East”.



Basically, the invasion of Afghanistan happened because post-9/11 America wanted bloody revenge, and they didn’t much care who it was exacted upon so long as they were brown and Muslim.

Loose parallels to the pre-WWI Austrian ultimatum to Serbia.

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Mind you, Biden was spouting basically the same bullshit in a speech earlier.

Looks like the US liberal pop historiography is going to be framed as “we were betrayed by those treacherous heathens who were too cowardly to follow our noble example”.

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I want whatever drugs she’s doing.

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Well, I think we’ve been betrayed once again by a group of wealthy white people, mostly male.

I remember when this happened; I think my dad actually cackled gleefully about it, saying that the Russians were going to end up with Afghanistan being their version of our Vietnam:

Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan - HISTORY.


That was the plan when Carter and Brzezinski manufactured that war.

Cutting and pasting from an old post at BB:

The American justification at the time for the 1980’s involvement in Afghanistan was that the USA armed and funded the Mujahideen in order to resist a Soviet invasion. In contrast, the USSR claimed that they sent troops into Afghanistan in response to attacks by US-backed theocratic terrorists.

With hindsight, we now know that the Americans were lying and the Soviets were telling the truth.


That’s Mika Brzezinski’s dad in that interview, BTW. American power elites are incredibly inbred.


NO! I’m shocked - now, leave me to read about the Roosevelts and the Kennedys!

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Observation: it appears that most of the people of Afghanistan prefer the Taliban to the American puppet state.

Implication: what does this tell you about the suffering inflicted on the Afghan people by that state for the last twenty years? How utterly foul do you have to be for the Taliban to appear as the least-bad option?

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Return of the infamous “CIA self-care” tweet:

Once again: Western concern about overpopulation primarily functions as a way for white liberals to disguise their genocidally racist impulses.

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Remember the five minutes when Dems pretended to care about what Trump was doing to Puerto Rico? That Biden is mostly continuing to do?


No, not “exactly this”.

Afghans as foster children? Can you fucking hear yourselves?

Take up the White Man’s burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.

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