Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Looks like Ghani is about to resign the Afghan “Presidency” and make a break for it.

US exit could get sticky…

Depends on whether the Taliban just want the US out ASAP, or if they’d like to get in a bit of revenge first.

Too many poisons in the flesh, and no real gains; I mean, if I’m gonna eat parts of my enemies, they should at least be worthy opponents.

Plus, don’t they want to turn the poor into Soylent?

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Ah yes…in “The Proud Tower” by Barbara Tuchman, that stanza is shown to originally apply to US “helping” the Philippines become “independent” during the manufactured Spanish-American War.

Deranged liberal imperialists at it again:

“Hitler, Chavez or Mussolini”.


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I like the very last one best, from the Irish person (Irisher?).


White parents in America:

Black parents in America:

