Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

“Why won’t the Afghan peasants fight to defend this?”

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If he drove up to Maryland, he could party with the Pahlavis.

I wonder how long until the al-Sauds join them?

He was technically correct; Kabul is fine. No bombers, no “shock and awe”.

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US pilots popping flares as they flee:

This on Twitter:

Led me to this interesting bit of history:


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Particularly interesting bit at 0:40

Fuck knows what’s going to go down in the next few weeks, but so far the Western media assumption of an instant bloodbath appears to be a long way from what is actually happening.

For now, it’s an unusually smooth and peaceful transfer of power.

Most of the same people currently spraying crocodile tears over the women of Afghanistan are also strong supporters of the Saudi “alliance” [1].

And most of the rest will still support the US-Saudi status quo, they’ll just act a bit embarrassed over it and mutter something about “lesser evils”.


[1] It’s not really an alliance when one party in the relationship is an unstable manufactured state maintained entirely by the military dominance of the other; closer to something in between suzerainty and a complete puppet.

…which was notable for heavily featuring concentration camps and genocidal tactics.

David Goddamned Frum.