Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Looks like it was warning shots creating a stampede rather than direct fire.

Repeated mentions during the Australian TV news of “chaos and gunfire at Kabul Airport”. At no point did they mention who was doing the shooting.

My Perceptual Psych lecturer during my undergrad days was Dr Alex Holcombe, an American who’d just moved to Sydney. He was a good bloke.

The Saigon Embassy image that the US media shows:


The one they don’t:

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The individual ignorant fools are an aggravating factor, but they ain’t the core of the problem. As with everything else, it’s systemic and largely bipartisan.

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Apparently yesterday NPR had David “I gave away operational secrets in exchange for a blowjob” Petraeus on to provide his “expertise”.

Unsurprisingly, he wants to reinvade.

It seems that the British right is having a major spasm of Khyber Pass Kiplingitis.