Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Non-American lives have zero value in mainstream US discourse.

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Gee, wonder if any women in TX will be goin’ 'cross the border…

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Things like this…

…are based in the false premise that vaccinated people are unable to carry and transmit Covid.

Hey, remember when BoingBoing was freaking out about Chinese fare-evaders/train-smokers/etc being temporarily banned from some public transport?


Oh, look, another one:

Again and again and again and again…

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Hey, not all of us are disconnected from actuality.

I’m in the process of constantly being enlightened by things about the country I live in, some good, some bad. I’m ashamed of many of my fellow citizens, but proud of others. I mean, they’re all human beings, ain’t they? How can we rightfully expect so-called “civilised” humans anywhere to get better in our lifetime? If they do, I’ll certainly be surprised.

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