Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Collective punishment of the entire Muslim world as a means of terroristic intimidation. War crime start to finish.

Not just the “rotten apples”, all of it.

Americans like to hold up Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as examples of dishonourable, barbaric attacks in order to justify the US atrocities and/or defeats that followed.

In both cases, the attacks were actually unusually precise and relatively justifiable in their targeting.

Pearl Harbor hit a massive military installation that primarily existed to threaten Japan. 9/11 aimed for a decapitation strike of the military, political and economic leadership of the USA.

Pearl Harbor preceded the war declaration purely due to a cock-up, 9/11 came after years of Al-Qaeda specifying why they were pissed off and what they intended to do about it.

They didn’t carpet-bomb civilian suburbs, they didn’t actively target hospitals and schools, they didn’t wipe out peasant villages. Yes, there was plenty of collateral damage in both cases, but by the contemporary standards of military assault it was relatively minimal.

By the standards of asymmetric warfare, 9/11 was astonishingly precise in its targeting. The US would have had no hesitation in launching a decapitation strike in the other direction.

Ohhhh, do you think these writers know of the Opium Wars and who fucking started them?! Who introduced the poppies to the Chinese?

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Also any suggestion that PNAC used the opportunity to launch the Iraq War, or both wars, will get you branded a “conspiracy theorist” and an “apoligist for terrorists” and banned from many sites for it.


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During a visit to Minsk in August 1941, Himmler witnessed an Einsatzgruppen mass execution first-hand and concluded that shooting Jews was too stressful for his men.[120] By November he made arrangements for any SS men suffering ill health from having participated in executions to be provided with rest and mental health care.[121] He also decided a transition should be made to gassing the victims, especially the women and children, and ordered the recruitment of expendable native auxiliaries who could assist with the murders.[121][122] Gas vans, which had been used previously to kill mental patients, began to see service by all four main Einsatzgruppen from 1942.[123] However, the gas vans were not popular with the Einsatzkommandos , because removing the dead bodies from the van and burying them was a horrible ordeal. Prisoners or auxiliaries were often assigned to do this task so as to spare the SS men the trauma.[124] Some of the early mass killings at extermination camps used carbon monoxide fumes produced by diesel engines, similar to the method used in gas vans, but by as early as September 1941 experiments were begun at Auschwitz using Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide gas.[125]

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But if they did, they’d tell us, right?

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Any climate policy that is not “we will do this right now” is nothing but murderous marketing bullshit.

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