Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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I do and I don’t agree. I think gender and race issues are often weaponized to distract from the overall class struggle, as a “divide and conquer” strategy. But I also think sexism and racism have been so thoroughly encoded into our legal and societal structures that simply having more money won’t completely fix the problems. Would it be a good start? Absolutely, yes, and it’s a goal worth working towards. But we’re fighting a war on many fronts, so I see things from a more intersectional perspective. Which is NOT me saying you’re wrong… I just think we see it in slightly different ways.

(Of course, that may also be because I’m still learning about the class struggle and don’t have a comprehensive understanding of certain sociopolitical theories yet. I’m a work in progress. :woman_shrugging: )


Oh no, it wouldn’t solve everything…but it would ease things up on a lot of folks so they could better address R&G (addendum: and other issues of importance)

(note: i musta been thinking about music when I typed “R&B” originally, lol)


cartoon cat with yes flag

So many things would be easier to accomplish if people didn’t have to worry about having enough money to survive.


MSU’s football coach gets $5.5 million/year.



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IMHO, Biden doesn’t get to claim jack shit until he actually gets something done. And considering how little effort he’s putting into making this bill pass (or any of the other myriad promises he’s made only to subsequently abandon once he took office), if this “New Deal” bill does pass, he shouldn’t get any credit for it.


Biden is busy doing what every Democratic President does: normalising and institutionalising the crimes of his GOP predecessor.

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Why Reagan though? He was just a charismatic Eisenhower. And all the Dems are JFK wanna-bes.

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