Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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I can’t watch it, but I still want to slap the crap outta her.

Plus, and this is fact: Ronnie never would’ve wanted to become POTUS without Nancy. She was the power-hungry one, not him. Everyone tends to forget about that. But since we live in a patriarchy, I’m not surprised.

The only possible alternative to the “rise” of China (and Africa, and India, and the Middle East, and…) is the active maintenance of a status quo in which a tiny minority of white Western nations retain dominance of the world in perpetuity.

It’s white supremacy, nothing else.

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“Ethnic cleansing”.

…and then there’s the point that the Indigenous Taiwanese percentage is so low partly thanks to Chiang’s boys massacring a shitload of them when they invaded.

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Not “incredible”, though; totally unsurprising.

Or, as i said on BB years ago…

Which is worse: the enemy standing before you, or the enemy standing behind you?

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Because white supremacy and that Ol’ World imperialist thinking (same things aren’t they?)?

Addendum: Oops, I forgot: We won two, count 'em TWO world wars to save democracy, so of course we have the right to tell others what to do!

I live in the US, and I do not like the culture for the most part.



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