Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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Meanwhile, the Blue MAGA Dems are suggesting that it was arranged by a Republican operative to discredit Alec Baldwin.

Reminder that rich people experience inflation as a decline in the value of their hoarded wealth.


Verified, link in thread.


I’ve been watching some Nuffle.

  1. If he were white, Lamar Jackson would be the biggest name in America right now.

  2. In the modern game, defences get penalised if they give the quarterback so much as a harsh look. If Brady or Ryan gets sacked, it’s usually by a linebacker politely holding his pads.

  3. Lamar, OTOH, gets routinely pounded with nary a flag in sight. And not just while running, also in the pocket.

This is not a new pattern for the NFL, but its still annoying.

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The speech for which Truman fired Henry Wallace, leading to the 1948 Progressive Party campaign:


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There were a few weird things about Wallace, too. Plus, he wasn’t poor. I think his money came from agricultural research, i.e. developing corn. Guy shoulda been made SecAg, just like Hoover shoulda been SecInt (he was a geologist, originally).

I don’t trust Russia. I mean their gov’t; the people like me, on the ground, I’m sure are just like anyone else. But there seems to be some sort of inferiority complex that’s unique to the land of the Rus; not that other regions don’t have theirs, of course. Maybe it’s because they don’t own a warm-water seaport?

Empire, bipartisan, etc.

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Quibble: his domestic agenda isn’t failing, it’s proceeding as intended.
