Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


Fascists have a more realistic understanding of US politics and history than liberals do:

…although it’s still wrong.

Yes, actually committing to the values Dr King espoused is totally incompatible with the working-as-designed white supremacist status quo USA.

However, co-opting a whitewashed version of a mythological Dr King, and using that co-option to pretend that a brutally white supremacist plutocracy is actually a progressive democracy…that is perfectly compatible with the real-world USA. And that’s what was done.

Reminder that “community policing” is a euphemism for counterinsurgency.

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…and that’s before we even get to the discussion of “to what extent are the conditions in Venezuela the consequences of historical context and foreign attack?”.

Libs still at it when discussing the South:

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The liberal misunderstanding of racism as “it’s whenever anyone mentions race while criticising you” is not just childish and wrong; it is a fundamental structure supporting white supremacy.

Racism is not neutral. Colour-blindness is not the goal. Redress of persistent historical injustice is the focus.

Darnella Frazier’s uncle.

Darnella was the person who filmed the murder of George Floyd.

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Americans offering to teach the world how to play cricket.

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NYT as usual: