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The Dems are toast. The corporate right are still committed to retaining dominance at all costs.

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I am frequently gobsmacked at the idea that Lawrence Tribe is thought to be an intelligent man.


You’ll find some interesting things if you search BB for pre-2017 mentions of “antifa”.

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It doesn’t help that the Sanders side is being really, really stupid about super delegates and sold their one chance for effective reform back at the convention for a platitude. They convinced themselves the problem was superdelegates won Clinton the primary by polling in her favor early when she won a comfortable lead in the races period. Trying to change to rules to better favor Sanders specifically is just bad progressive strategy.

Imagine instead that superdelegates where weighted with fucking math instead of whatever these people think they are doing with data. Give MI, WI, PA, NC, FL, etc. - all the states that drain the DNC’s coffers each and every year just to convince a few more white props to not vote for fascists - additional superdelegates based on the importance of the geographic location. That, and only that, would have won Sanders the primary mathematically.

But why would they try to use a weighted distribution of votes as a weighted distribution of votes? Christ, the primary can counteract the effect of the electoral college bias for free.

Is it wrong if I want one of these?


What he was saying within minutes was counter-factual to how people voted in 2016 so I stopped listening. Trump didn’t steal voters from Democrats, he brought a group of voters that were left to rot for a long time out of the woodshed that would have never voted Democrat ever. Hillary was less popular with unions but didn’t underperform compared to anything but 08 Obama - but comparing to 08 Obama (to which she came in second) is asinine because Obama performs better than any Democrat since the Civil Rights movement.

It’s a fuckig idiot point that justifies chasing Reagan voters in the Midwest again, when they were just racists like they were in 2016! Fuck me, just get people to vote - and there is absolutely no data showing a carrot is reliable whatsoever.

I know progressive refuse to acknowledge that Clinton was the most popular politician in America before the 16 election cycle, but if they think their guy is going to be treated better by the propaganda machine of the GOP they are being silly gooses.

We obviously have rather different perspectives on this. :slight_smile:

Personally, I’ve been saying for months that the Democrats are the walking dead. They’re an ex-party, they just haven’t realised yet.

The Berniecrat attempt at salvaging them was worth a try, but I didn’t think it would succeed. The actions of the corporate Dems at the “unity” meeting are proving me right on that.

I strongly suspect that most of the Berniecrats/Justice Dems are about to give up on the party and decamp for the DSA.

Which would be electorally awkward if the corporate Dem rump persist, but as I’ve also been arguing for months: this isn’t a situation with a ballot-based resolution.

In street politics, it doesn’t matter what party someone is affiliated with, so long as they stay in the street and fight against fascism.

Welcome to the Wilderness.

Yeah so the solution is to give the facists even more centralised power and then solve it! Venezuela’s peaceful revolution still hasn’t worked btw.

Sanders did not run a very good primary campaign, he had mathematically lost when Clinton was declared a winner after the US territory primaries before the California primary. It had nothing to do with superdelegates, so continued focus on superdelegates being the problem (after getting a resolution to remove half of them). And yet, that is not something people accept as truth when there is no way to disprove it.

If you want the Democrats to win based on the working class, then you must have superdelegates and they must be in the right places to skew the popular vote.

As mentioned:

Superdelegates, conventional electoral politics, existing legal structures, the US Constitution: all of very limited relevance. The useful part of the Democratic Party in the current reality isn’t the Congressional wing, it’s the Mayors and the bank account.

As usual, this is only my opinion. But it’s an opinion based on evidence and judgement: there are only two outcomes here.

If the left loses, the world ends in a fascist holocaust. If the left wins, an entirely new America is born. And that will be decided in the streets, not at the ballot box.


no wonder you despise @tribelaw. He’s a lawyer!

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Both myself and the American left in general have been openly calling for revolution for quite a while now.

It’s astonishingly difficult to convince people that it isn’t just rhetoric.