


Antifa had better be working on a counter to this:

Perimeter guards with spike strips?

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Race relations within the US military must be insanely tense right now.

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Read the attached thread:

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I’m so aggravated by his previous tweet:

This is false. Bernie -> Trump voters were around 12% nationally, Clinton -> McCain voters were around the same number. In my opinion it’s because their favored person didn’t win above all else, and is probably a fixture in politics.

The only thing I can find to support this is a single poll of women supporting Hillary passed around immediately following Clinton conceding to Obama that had people say they would rather vote Mccain at a high rate.

It’s just sad to see decade old memes from 2008 being passed around.


Gave 'em a poke to see if they’ve got a source.

I think they’re right on the disenfranchisement angle, though. The Dems seriously underestimated how spectacularly furious the Black and working class communities are about the lack of response to that issue.

Take away a community’s vote, and street action is all they have left.


I disagree that the DNC is taking it lying down, but I agree that it is a huge problem. I mean, the Campaign Legal Center that is continuing to win in Texas is filed with lawyers from both parties but the funding comes from center-Dem types and the DNC is a huge backer of their work.

I mean this stuff was formed following Shelby County v. Holder, and while I think it should be a central plank in the DNC they use a significant portion of their resources fighting the GOP in courts against these laws.

I found this being passed around:

It contradicts other polls, but I always heard it in 2008 about the WaPo poll I linked to.

Oh wait, here’s a tab of them acknowledging it:

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The “libertarians” are mostly on team fash, unsurprisingly.

Ken White’s twitter feed is as you’d expect: he’s occasionally retweeting mockery of far-right idiocy to maintain “neutral” status, while his own tweets focus on highlighting any bit of leftist misbehaviour he can find. And, of course, lots of hair-splitting nazi-normalising free speech arguments.


Putin has dirt on Trump for sure, but I think that most of them (Bannon, Gorka, Flynn etc) are working with the Russians voluntarily. So, at least within the administration, they think it’s “US and Russia ally to conquer the world”.

Whether that is Putin’s true intention, or whether he’s just trying to demolish the USA, is harder to say. He’s probably okay with either outcome.

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Peter Singer is being an absolute dick, unfortunately. So are plenty of other high-profile academics and liberal celebrities.