
I refer back to Juror 52 in the Skreli case

When I walked in here today I looked at him, and in my head, that’s a snake — not knowing who he was. I just walked in and looked right at him and that’s a snake.

Or in our case, a really shit turtle.


The partial removal of the filibuster by the Dems was idiotic and obviously dangerous. It set the precedent without restoring the balance of power.

If you’re gonna do it, do it right. The Dems should have nuked the entirety of the filibuster the second that Obama took office, and used the resulting power to focus on electoral reform.

I agree it was idiotic and dangerous, but federal judge appointments do not have 1% of the power a supreme court justice holds.

And I know we have agreed many times that prioritizing voter rights is a missing plank from both parties - though one is actively trying to purge opposition voters.




Stuff like this I don’t mind. China is still “the enemy” to most military-minded types in the US, and co-operative efforts between the groups is not bad. It’s part of how the Philippians removed themselves as “the enemy” to the US for a while, and while some are trying to break that up as hard as they can (especially with propaganda like the Act of Valor, US DOD bought and paid for) it lasted for a long time despite the pigs blood memes.

Basically, shared military drills are a peaceful thing and I can’t bash it since the military is not going to go completely away even if the US military (hopefully) gets reduced some day.


In normal times, I’d agree.

At the moment, US troops on the move in my home waters makes me severely uneasy. If Korea goes up, the US and China are not going to be on the same side.

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Right, so having the US and China doing things allies do together is good for the whole not attacking Korea thing.

Especially as the Saudis are making moves in the Middle East meaning the many generals cleaning the WH are probably gearing up for Iran now that the alt-right is loosing ground.

And yes, it’s still fucking frighting as hell that multiple groups in Washington are trying to woo a fascist into more power.


Gorka’s resignation looks very much like Bannon Mk2. Shifting from a ceremonial job in the West Wing (advisor; influence, but no power) to an outside desk so he can push the hard right without restraint.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Bannon and Gorka deliberately staggered their exits to keep Liberal hopes alive and discourage them from action.


Susan Sarandon was right, BTW.

Trump did provoke a revolution, and it was necessary if we’re going to survive.



This is what nazis look like:


BTW: I do understand that my obsessive focus on political news gives me a view that could be thought of as distorted.

The thing is, though, that I’m not alone in this. All the DSA/BLM kids are doing it too. They are organised, they are angry, and they are not giving up without a fight.


Bannon organized his departure because he knew the blow to the office from Charlottesville, Gorka got forced out by the generals. Both suffer from being rich guys that don’t have the work ethic of generals even if they have passion for their cause. While Bannon’s was obviously pre-planned, I severely doubt Gorka’s was - it lives up with the shift in focus back to Iran.

Could be so.

As always, internal West Wing manouvres are the hardest to read.



If the fascists win in America, Australia will follow. I already have an ASIO security clearance and an AFP protest record. If you guys lose, I have a visit from the secret police in my future.


BTW: I feel it’s worth noting that while everyone and his dog are accusing me of promoting violence, the BB admins are posting fucking presidential assassination memes.

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