
Why the statues must fall:

Who controls the past controls the present
And who controls the present controls the future

The battle for the past is for the future
Must be the winners of the memory war
Smash reach out and then grab the flower
At the end of the day their defeat will be for sure

Have you inside your memory the scene of the crime
If you don’t have a clue then you’re running out a time
Struggle continues while di sun shine
Past and the truth two of them you have to combine
Because books dem a burnt and documents are shredded
Cover ups are covered up in the name of the law
Presidents and royalty caught red handed
And you won’t know about it for fifty years or more

Come pay attention to the re-educator
The battle for the past is now the battle for the future
Fire for the messengers of this fake nostalgia
Soon come judgement day

The history they teach is the voice of the victor
You need to look again you need to have a propaganda!
If truth is your price then come join the bounty hunters
Because truth make you the enemy of all these liars
Because books dem a burnt and documents are shredded
Cover ups are covered up in the name of the law
Presidents and royalty caught red handed
And you won’t know about it for fifty years or more

Who controls the past controls the present
And who controls the present controls the future
Soon come judgement day
Must be the winners of the memory war

Come pay attention to the re-educator
The battle for the past is now the battle for the future
Fire for the messengers of this fake nostalgia
Soon come judgement day


Potential flashpoints:

  • The flood.
  • NFL strike.
  • Juggalo march.
  • McGregor/Mayweather fight.
  • A bombing at any of the anti-nazi rallies.
  • Korea.
  • Iran.
  • Yemen.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Syria.
  • A terrrorist attack anywhere.

I’m posting revolutionary songs now.

That’s a good sign.

When I post From Auschwitz to Ipswich, panic.


This is what you have to guard against in the aftermath, although it’s not as inevitable as you might think. America is not Venezuela.

However, when it goes off, the US dollar is going to collapse. The global consequences of that will be…catastrophic.

But we’ve dealt with that before, and we can do it again.

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US military loyalties.

US military voters strongly supported Trump. Despite, or because of, his overt promises to encourage war crimes and conquer/loot the world.

However, the US military is still defacto segregated by race and class. At one end, working class kids in it for a job and an education. At the other, middle class fascists looking to shoot mudbloods.

But they aren’t evenly distributed. Along a scale that tends working-class PoC at one end, and evangelical white fascist at the other, we have:

Support troops : Combat troops : Air Force : Special Forces : Strategic Air Command.

The navy is tricky. The surface fleet is probably Reichsmarine-esque, but the Boomer sub captains are hard to pick.

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Holy shit.

As well as the political content of that, it also made me realise: there are now US soldiers in Afghanistan who are too young to properly remember 9/11.


Literally the children of soldiers in Afghanistan will be on the ground in the new deployment.


Gorka may have had his security clearance revoked - there is little chance this was a pre-planned move.


Fucking hell, Haberman is really working at getting herself charged as a collaborator post-revolution. Now she’s trying smear the Sanders by association with Arpaio…

Went total weasel when called on it, too.

(dig into comments for context, she’s getting flayed there)

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What else could Bannon do with him? He already used all his time in the WH talking to far-right media.

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The Twitter Liberals are still obsessing over who to blame for the election.

It appears to be split about 50/50 between “it was Bernie’s fault” and “it’s the fault of black people for not voting enough”.

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I’m curious as to whether his “vacation” was actually a vacation, or if he instead spent the time on organising with the street nazis.

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I’m starting to think that Maggie Haberman is, and always has been, a committed Trumpeter:


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Thank God for Mayweather.

A dramatic win or dramatic loss would have been equally disastrous. He may have just saved the world.

Mayweather is a genuine boxing scientist; McGregor is an overhyped thug. I think this fight went exactly as Mayweather planned it.

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Haberman giving up all pretence and going obvious Trumpeter suggests that they’re planning a move very soon.

Dammit, I’m certain about that, but too aware of my paranoia to tweet it in case I’m wrong.

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