
Glenn Thrush is pulling the same shit. Who owns the Times?

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Amanda Marcotte sees it:

Sonuvabitch, this is Reifenstahl-grade:

Dammit, the entire NYT is all-in for Trump. Gotta be a top-down bias.

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Maggie’s dropped back to RTs again. Too many people calling her out.

Who’s been near a street march lately? Was there much BLM presence, or just DSA etc?

I definitely feel mobilized by Bernie. His push for candidates who don’t support abortion to be get Democratic part money has me enraged. Time for new blood, and I will go a long way to support any candidate who will stand up to both Bernie and the DNC for incorporating his fucking stupid position on abortion.

We need to go hard left: abortion, for all, federally funded. People are looking for strong progressivism, not mealy-mouthed selling out of women. I go to a local progressives meetup every week to write postcards and make calls. Every person there is a woman, and every person there is ready to burn Bernie and the DNC to the damn ground over this.


Glad to hear it.

The DNC is history, and Bernie is about to retire. The new American leadership looks to be coming from the DSA and BLM.

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CNN’s on Team Trump as well. Fuckers are even trying to slander Bill Nye. Trying to preemptively neutralise high-profile voices of reason with pull amongst Liberals.

EDIT: retract, unsure about CNN.


Haberman’s pushing red scares now.

It isn’t the content of the individual articles, it’s the overall impact of her whole feed. Read indirectly, that article says that leftists are dangerous grubby peasants and if they were reasonable they’d be asking for terms.

I worry about Zuckerberg trying to jump in. Facebook is such a cesspit already that it’d be hard to spot if he was leaning on the feeds.

Now Maggie’s doing “Trump did a great job with the storm!”.

She’s camouflaging it with an occasional neutral storm story, describing bad weather but not mentioning politics.

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Wow, bold. Pointed at shaking the Clinton Dems out of complacency and/or trashing their claims to progressivism.


Carly seems to know what she’s doing, though. She’s one of the best out there, and her audience is pretty radical already.

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Not really a surprise.

Two days old, though.

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Maggie ramping up hate for Muslim “traitors”:

Buried that one in a big wash of flood news.

She’s doing most of her work through retweets. Every time she puts up a direct tweet, she gets mobbed by incredulous (but increasingly clued-in) readers.

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Matty Y framing the debate…

Vichy. Dean is looking for scapegoats to throw to the fascists.

I shared that sentiment (not as extreme) until moving to Texas, but I am very vocal in saying the north is living in glass houses now. People still hate to admit how red northern states have gotten.