
I worry about Zuckerberg trying to jump in. Facebook is such a cesspit already that it’d be hard to spot if he was leaning on the feeds.

Now Maggie’s doing “Trump did a great job with the storm!”.

She’s camouflaging it with an occasional neutral storm story, describing bad weather but not mentioning politics.

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Wow, bold. Pointed at shaking the Clinton Dems out of complacency and/or trashing their claims to progressivism.


Carly seems to know what she’s doing, though. She’s one of the best out there, and her audience is pretty radical already.

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Not really a surprise.

Two days old, though.

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Maggie ramping up hate for Muslim “traitors”:

Buried that one in a big wash of flood news.

She’s doing most of her work through retweets. Every time she puts up a direct tweet, she gets mobbed by incredulous (but increasingly clued-in) readers.

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Matty Y framing the debate…

Vichy. Dean is looking for scapegoats to throw to the fascists.

I shared that sentiment (not as extreme) until moving to Texas, but I am very vocal in saying the north is living in glass houses now. People still hate to admit how red northern states have gotten.


I’d still say that the Confederacy is at the heart of American fascism.

But what the sneer-at-Southern-hicks folks failed to get is that:

  • The Confederacy was always an idea more than a place. The North wasn’t 100% abolitionist and the South wasn’t 100% slaver. The border states were 50/50 or worse, and Copperheads were everywhere from California to Boston.


  • The slaver leadership weren’t hicks, they were bloody aristocrats.
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Don’t forget that industry caused massive white flight north.

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Pre-existing slaver sentiment in the north, plus a post-war diaspora of the scum up through the Midwest.

Some as workers chasing industry, but most importantly some as capitalists fleeing the war’s devastation. It’s always the rich bastards. They’ve got more leverage.

Maggie’s latest:


Clock’s ticking. The left has to keep picking up the pace.

Remember: any scene of antifa violence you see from a biased source is going to be edited to alter the “who started it” calculation.

You can imagine how a Trump source would cut and caption that.

i’ve mentioned this before, maybe not here, but certainly at the other place: there’s a biography of william lloyd garrison called “all on fire” that i recommend to anyone interested in both a history of abolition and a history of northern resistance to abolition. it’s in my stack of books i re-read from time to time.

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Ever read McPherson’s Battle Cry of Freedom?

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Global mainstream media hasn’t woken up yet; they’re still reporting business as usual.

No idea when/if they’ll admit that the American Revolution is already happening.