That’s not uncommon, but in that case, the prof was not doing the grading, he’d likely have a a few dozen grad students doing the work. And he likely didn’t have more than one or two of those at a time.
I have no help for my 350.
Also, he probably had tenure and the ability to get time off to do his research. And lecturing would have been considered sufficient on his part. That’s certainly not the case for me. If I don’t do a dog and pony show that they enjoy, they are very easily derail any hope of a career in academia.
The tutorials were nearly all done by grad students, each usually taking three to five classes of twenty to thirty students. And because it was the first year intro course, they’d swap out the lecturer every few weeks as they moved to a new topic.
The lecturers would each have a second- and third-year topic to teach in their specialities (neuroscience, behavioural, perceptual, cognitive, social, etc) as well. A few hundred students in the second year topics, down to about a hundred in third year. Grad students still handling most of the tutorials, but the lecturers would also take a similar tutorial teaching load to one of the grad students.
Stats like that make me think “what the fuck is wrong with 60% of Democrats?”
It could lead to the depressing conclusion that the whole country is deranged, but then I remember that both Republicans and Democrats represent relatively small minorities.
Half of the country doesn’t vote, and ~half of the Dem voters are defensive-voting left independents. Polls of party-identified likely voters are heavily skewed towards wealth and whiteness.
Suppose, for example, all the farmers of America staged a march on the nation’s capital city.
Suppose, too, all the industrial workers of America staged a march.
And all the white collar workers.
All the motor vehicle drivers
All the wives
All the husbands
All the football fans
And all the taxpayers.
Suppose these marches occurred in unending waves.
If that happened, utter chaos would not be long coming to the federal government.
Is it just me, or does this guy not understand that that is exactly the point, that that’s what should be happening to an actively harmful government?