
What shift to the centre?

Taking advantage of spineless Vichy Democrats in Congress does not imply a retreat from fascism; he’s just using them to negate resistance from the remnants of the RNC-GOP.

He’s moving further right, not left.



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Awareness of the NYT bias slowly spreading…

BTW: I spotted Cowicide on twitter a couple of days ago.

Still the same Cow. :slight_smile:


The “center” being the very American still far-right center, not reality. Trump allying with the Democrats was retreat because he’s not clever, and Bannon is struggling to keep up with his incompetence. They buried Trump’s debt ceiling move, as did Fox News - this is appeasement and not a plot. The people engineering Trump’s “4D” plots are gone, and the only ones left that are clever are currently the same military minded people we always have.

Trump has not zagged once, nor will he. And the MSM has down him more favors lately than far-right news including Breitbart.



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Bits of this are likely to irritate Americans, but it does seem rather relevant:

Sarah’s been talking about NYT’s game for a while, now. She’s one of the first I ever saw bring it up. It’s an established pattern – the fake feud where the both sides help each other out. By playing their game of “access journalism”, they’ve set it up so it appears that they are a neutral or even dissenting press, which allows them to deliver more subtle forms of propaganda than FoxNews but they aren’t actually being neutral* or dissenting.

*To a given value of neutral. Every publishing decision reflects a bias, from storytelling and word-choice to accompanying pictures, to what page/segment it’s published. Regardless of who is publishing.

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She still seems to be framing it as incompetence/corruption on the part of the NYT, though.

I think it’s enthusiastic undercover fascism. I am, however, a notoriously cynical bastard.

But these are cynical times.

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Related: the main reason why I’ve been a bit more overt in my critique of liberalism of late is because liberalism is, and always has been, utterly defenceless against fascism.

In an antifa context, liberal parties are generally useless at best. Very often, they are actively counterproductive.


Liberalism has never been a left-wing philosophy; it is a centre-right position. Basically:

Conservative: aristocratic, landed wealth.
Liberal: capitalist, industrial wealth.
Radical: socialist, working class.

US liberals tended to assume that the US use of “liberal” as a synonym for “leftist” was just another linguistic quirk of geography. It wasn’t: it’s a reflection of the silencing and exclusion of genuine left politics from the US mainstream.

The Democrats have shifted further right in recent years, as they chased after the mythical Dem/GOP “centre”. But they were already right-wing to begin with, and always have been.


honestly, most americans just aren’t comfortable being realistic about their own country. they tend to see an objective, analytical approach to their country’s strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failings as somehow “unpatriotic.” i imagine that may be true for almost any country but it seems to me that my fellow us citizens are some of the worst about it. i know i have taken a load of abuse and ridicule for trying to take an objective approach to my country. i don’t know if americans have it in them to sustain a tv show which applied british cynicism (which is almost indistinguishable from realism) to the united states.


The Berniecrats in the Dems are pushing full throttle:

Either the DNC bends the knee ASAP, or the Democrats are done.