
OTOH, despite that fact, I would put a hefty bet on the assumption that the PoC communities of the USA are currently gunning up as fast as they possibly can.

They are not going to passively accept a revival of the Confederacy.

Just one person, but stereotypically representative of the larger issue:

I know that it is not simple or easy. It is going to take blood and courage and heroic work from masses of people, and even with all that it will still be a close-run thing.

But if a hundred million Americans united and all did this:

…and kept at it for as long as it takes, it would all be over. They don’t have millions of riot cops.

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Political contrast: if an Australian opposition had the numbers to block supply and cause a government shutdown (which over here usually triggers a new election), they would use it at the first plausible justification they had. A bad industrial relations bill for the ALP, or a bit of environmental legislation that the Libs didn’t like, etc.

The Democrats are facing fascism, had the opportunity to block supply, and gave it up for nothing.

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Pulitzer Prize Winner Peggy Noonan!?

Are you fucking shitting me?

Months old news, but I missed it at the time.

I don’t have time to read her portfolio, and I suspect you don’t either, but here are the pieces she was nominated for

and her rivals

dahleen glanton

trudy rubin

The Nazi on the bus from upthread:

If y’don’t like the punches, y’gotta act to stop it before it gets there.

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Thread closed at the other place:

Did you want a response to that, or would you rather I just leave it be? Either is okay.

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Expanding: this is a key factor in American politics.

The ideology-lite “big tent” tradition of the DemGOP means that the major American political parties function more as sporting teams than a normal political organisation. The loyalty of the base is to the team, rather than any consistent ideology.

The fucked-up consequences of that should be fairly obvious.

A political party needs to decide what it believes in, and stand for it. That’s what politics is.

Without ideology, it’s just power for the sake of power.

Mind reading the memeplex:

From Facebook, apparently. Folks are getting nervous.

There were some quality Noonan quotes at the end of this week’s Chapo. :slight_smile:

Lemmings at it again:

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