
I haven’t read this, but it looks interesting.

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That’s what scares me… what happens when a bunch of misinformed assholes looking for an excuse to engage in violence “think” they’re being attacked? How big of a feedback loop gets created?

Normally, I’d look at something like that and say “It’s too over the top – Panthers, BLM and “thanks, Obama”?” But people these days keep pushing so hard against Poe’s law that I can’t do that anymore. This is a world where somebody showed up at a pizza joint with weapons and threatened the occupants, because of a conspiracy theory.

I’m scared of how this one is going to shake out. People are fucking buying this bullshit, wholesale.


BLM and antifa are aware, and I think it’s safe to assume that they’re planning an appropriately intelligent response. Which will quite possibly consist of “take that day off and go to the beach”.

But, yeah. Still a risky day.


Related to that, this is terrifying:

We all know ubiquitous the news on those comments was… imagine how much worse it will get when a wider swath of the media available to people is in the hands of the likes of Murdoch and Sinclair. When they own the entire market and start declaring certain stories as “unrunnable”. Sometimes the problem isn’t what people hear on the news: what they don’t hear can be dangerous as well, especially when it comes to shaping opinions.


This series of tweets would likely be seen as highly offensive by many Americans. I replaced the first Tweet with a partially anonymised screenshot; I’m posting this to show the responses, not the starting point.

This is a perspective that I think gets very little exposure in America.





A thread about the Clinton years:

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Plenty to argue about in the content of these; an interesting podcast:

The first seven minutes of this episode are rather special…

And I’ve been listening to this as well:

Both are leftist shows, medium snarky.

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involving mass poisoning, too.



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“Traitor to democracy”

What democracy? Aren’t these the same people who excuse Bush II and Trump on the grounds that the government is “a republic, not a democracy”? Not that I’d consider a plurality or bare majority “democratically elected,” but this is an egregious example of undemocratically elected in an oligarchical system…

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