

The 21st century is a very strange place…

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Interesting point:

Sacrificing the token Jewish guy?

I agree more with Bakunin than with Marx, but… no, it’s dishonest to smear Marxists like that.

There’s a difference between (1) ending an oppressive system and (2) exterminating a target population.

I shouldn’t trust anyone who blurs the difference, whether it’s to justify terror or to justify bothsiderism.

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Incidentally…although I’m mostly a moderate Democratic Socialist, feel free to preach anarcho-collectivism at me if you want. I admire anarchist activism, and I don’t object to anarchist ideals, I just doubt their practicality at scale.

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I think the gender system is oppressive, and don’t think we should normalize it,–

Gendercrit voice: “We should abolish gender, not normalize it. I will use biologically correct names and pronouns.”

– but I don’t see how enforcing the gender system will help abolish it, or how feeling better with one set of hormones is sexist, or how it’s an example of neuroplasticity, so I can’t agree with gendercrit ideology either.

I appreciate your points, and I don’t disagree.

OTOH, in the current environment, I’m reminded of the stories of the Christian Dutch who wore the Star of David in solidarity with their Jewish neighbours. At present, an expression of preferred pronouns highlights trans people.

I think it’s a good idea. I just think it’s de-normalizing the two-gender system. In both cases, each side’s actions w/r/t names and pronouns do the opposite of what each side says they’re doing.


Good but chilling history Twitter:


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I like Harry. :slight_smile:


The only issue with stuff like this is how much the message bogged down with pandering through repeating progressive memes. The message is important, but this isn’t a very substantial opinion since more than half he content is basically repeating 2016 opinions again to pad it out. Just something that bothers me in all editorials, and like I said the message is important that the current controlling portion of the leadership isn’t interested in change despite the majority of the Democratic Party wanting change.


The Bernie Sanders popularity one is particularly dangerous. If progressives think that number isn’t a reflection of status quo they are incorrect. It is the exact same popularity Clinton had before Benghazi, and a endless smear campaign to destroy her chance at a presidency as part of the establishment.

A frequent theme in liberal politics is the assumption that their opponents are stupid. They are often taken by surprise when the opposition moves.

The right were paying attention to this stuff as well.

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Here, fire regs mandate strobes enfilading the entire building, so deaf people can escape if they aren’t photosensitive, and photosensitive people can’t. (As a concession, they can’t be faster than 4 Hz, and they must be synchronized. But turn signals can’t be faster than 3 Hz, and turn signals can blind, disorient, unbalance, and hurt. So if the damn noise wouldn’t pin me down, the damn strobes would still incapacitate me.)

I’m sure there’s a better solution.
