
Uzbekistan has been legally independent of Russia since 1924. It was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics until 1991 [fn], which was often Russian-dominated. It wasn’t part of Russia.

[fn](which were neither sovyet federations, nor socialist, nor republics)

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interesting blowup at the Atlantic.

It might have more to do with a Aramco IPO, actually:

Could be both, of course. I think to go to war with Iran, many more things would have to fall into place. It’s easier for the two to just keep sniping at each other through proxies.


Thread on the dangers of “can we” without “should we”:

I know from experience that the moment someone starts asking those questions, even just to say “how do we address this?” they’re frozen out as a negative Nancy, told that they’re not a team player, and their concerns get dismissed until [thing] happens and it’s all “why did no one warn us?!?” Outside of certain tech forums, people don’t understand why FBook and Alexa aren’t amazingly good things that everyone must have. I confuse people, because I know computers better than them and am not on FB (maybe that’s why?). So, the reason no one asks, is nobody wants to hear the question.

One of the most dangerous mindsets that ever got imposed is the one where doubt=evil. Be it religion, business or politics, unquestioning faith in what we’re doing is what will get us killed.

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It’s not that hard. (From an ancient Mediterranean point of view, which imposes some consistency and bars pretending that Tingit is in the middle east.) Gades to Sirmium, west. Sirmium to Dara, or to Marib by the Red Sea, near east. Dara to Maracanda, or to Debal, middle east. beyond Maracanda, or beyond Debal, far east…

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I suggest you revise your description to incorporate more of the cities on this list.

To be fair to Sarah, I think she was bracing for the storm of ignorance that hit – she got her degree studying Uzbekistan and its political situation, so she has a better idea than most Americans about it… and probably has a good grasp of how little the rest of America knows about Uzbekistan, not to mention how the media will stupidly run with it.

She’s been yelling for people to wake up, longer than most, and has predicted nearly every step the Trump admin has taken, and the fact that the courts, Mueller or Congress will not be the saviours people hope they will.


Yeah; no criticism of Sarah intended. She just had the misfortune to have a stream of idiots land in her comments.

  1. Note who is breaking the story: the WSJ is a blatantly Trump-affiliated publication.

  2. Remember who runs the DOJ.

  3. This is looking more like a deliberate distraction/stalling tactic as it goes on.



That’s a good analogy.