
So, my take of Brazile’s book:

  1. It proves that the Clintons has no political aspirations for the future, and will likely stick to nonprofit work. Which is fine, 2016 didn’t quite kill off the Bushes but it certainly killed of the Clinton.
  2. It proves Clinton was not all establishment Democrats, despite most people tying all establishment Dems to Clinton. This rebranding is honestly really new to me and something progressives should be extremely aware of.
  3. It shows that the establishment is trying to destroy Sanders’ influence by repackaging old news as new news and throwing the establishment as secretly behind Sanders the whole time and through no action trying to draw the Sanders faction to their side. If anything, it’s a distraction from the Unity Conference rules committee changes to muscle Sanders support out - or worse, to allow the establishment to get away with saying they are Sanders supporters in the rules committee when they are not.

I have been poking around a bit, and not only did Brazile herself transfer Clinton campaign funds away from DNC resources they were intended for (the Midwest) to focus on other places (inner cites) but it appears that Brazile has confused the June 2016 JFA with the November 2015 JFA:

Saying the actual control handed to Clinton in 2016 happened a year earlier when it did not.

This doesn’t mean the DNC didn’t lean into helping Clinton, that was shown publicly by the Sanders campaign’s letter:

That was published just about everywhere at the time. It also doesn’t mean that Clinton’s original JFA didn’t go straight to the DNC, which was also openly spoken about in the election cycle:

When Clinton was blamed for the DNC scooping up the money the JFA sent to states because the vague Clinton establishment within the DNC misusing the funds the states desperately needed (a common theme of 2016 was the DNC siphoning money from the states).

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It was overshadowed by the truck attack, but someone shot 3 people in Thornton Colorado. News are reporting “randomly,” but some speculation suggests a white supremacist attack. Another one.

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Ostrem filed for bankruptcy in 2015 after he started an electronics business that failed after a year and a half.




All the Trumpists have to do is to drag it out until the midterms.

After that, they will have total control of Congress, and will be immune to impeachment. They will not hesitate to legislatively shield the regime from any threat presented by the Mueller investigation.



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headlines are clickbait and meme fodder. Best to read the original piece.

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That 2015 memo is much more damning, because it is clear that the money got funneled into the DNC for purchasing campaign information the DNC collected about literally everything - but it still doesn’t even come close to what Brazile claimed (direct financial control of what the DNC spent money on), and it just explains he shit that was all over the news at the end of he primary season already without any new information. It still means the establishment is cleaning house of Clinton and Bernie through their unity initiatives - the one thing it does not mean is that the establishment is going anywhere which was already clear. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

I did, before posting those Tweets.

Related: many writers have commented in the past on the almost impenetrable indoctrination of American Exceptionalism in regards to empire and militarism.

But few note the equally unshakable faith that Americans have in the supposed honour of Hoover’s band of secret police.

It’s easy to see how it was manufactured, but the effectiveness of the indoctrination is baffling.


Both Hillary’s email scandal and the Russia investigation results are only possible because the net cast in both cases are monstrously large and that should be concerning.

Now both are not equivalent - the email scandal was driven by congress spending what has to be in the 8 digits of tax payer money to try and find any dirt possible on Clinton and finding a grey area. The Russian connection to Trump’s campaign was basically public, which is why we are not seeing court cases for what a large net could catch in the run up to the 2020 election cycle.

No disagreement with that.

My comments on the FBI here were directed at the cultural aspect. Despite their public image, the FBI are not the stoic G-men of Hollywood mythology.

They began as spy-hunting secret police and are primarily tasked with suppressing political dissent. They are an exceptionally dangerous agency; they are, quite literally, the American equivalent of the Gestapo.

The FBI are not the Gestapo, but the two agencies have the same job. And they could easily evolve the same character.

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Interesting thread: