
Bloody obvious rhetorical questions: why are teachers paying for these things out of their own pockets in the first place? Who thought that giving a tax deduction was an acceptable solution to that? Why should a child’s education depend on unreliable charity? Why should a teacher be faced with the choice between supporting their students and supporting their family?


Comprehensive collection of Antifa interviews:

Because it’s not in the budget. Maybe next year…

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It’s very reasonable to distrust gun laws coming from a white supremacist government. On that, though, I’ll note no gun control ever (we’ll just arm the police even more and let them handle things) has generally been their first choice.

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Teachers do it because otherwise their students will be at a disadvantage. Most teachers (like my sister) would rather spend their own money than tell kids that they just don’t get to participate in an activity everyone else is doing, because there isn’t enough money.

Sure, they shouldn’t have to, but the alternative is looking a kid in the face and telling them that they lose out. At least in the school were my sis teaches, those kids lose out a lot, and she has a soft heart.

Second Baptist spokesman Daniel Card confirmed that the church has numerous flags flying outside representing the countries to which missionaries have been sent during the ministry’s inception.

“We’ve been flying the flags for years,” Card told Chron.com, adding that the composition of the photo is misleading.

It is missing from here though:

And a search provides nothing:

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That’s clearly a racist nose drawn, but Sanders does has a prominent bridge like almost all human being on Earth. Trying to say it’s a snub nose isn’t going to help anyone.

I have also heard that exaggerated nostrils are used to depict communists before, but I don’t now how accurate that is.

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It reminds me of White and Nazi-collaborationist propaganda posters:


Interesting history related to that:

TLDW: near the end of WWI, the Western powers tried to leverage Russian Zionism into opposition to the Bolsheviks. It didn’t work.

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From the original link:

It does appear likely that they’re doing it as a sign of pro-Trump/Putin allegiance.

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The primary opponents/victims of the Nazis were communists and Jews. They tended to classify all opposition as Jewish Bolshevism (see “cultural Marxism” for the modern equivalent), and deliberately mixed the iconography of the two groups in their propaganda.

However: the reason for that post was broader than that specific cartoon.

The left see the right wing Democrats as intensely racist/classist/homophobic/etc, and to my eyes they have good reason to do so. Bigoted dickishness from the #Resistance and #StillWithHer crew forms a constant drumbeat on Twitter, and the history of the Dems on these issues is not good.


Yeah, I know; hence the “rhetorical” disclaimer.

I’ve personally funded a fair bit of American school supplies in the past:

But y’all get how deeply fucked up this is?

My brother teaches at remote Indigenous schools where the local poverty level is closer to African stereotypes than the western norm, due primarily to the genocidal racism of Australian colonialism.

Despite that, he does not have to do this. His classroom supplies are funded by the state.


You’re all probably familiar with my rants about scapegoating the mentally ill for societal violence, so I won’t repeat them here.

However, the bit of detail that I usually omit for rhetorical purposes:

Although the mentally ill are not the main perpetrators of violence, we do tend to be abnormally sensitive to the zeitgeist. Organically-produced mental illness expresses in culturally-mediated ways.

In the Middle Ages, people had delusions of demons. In the Cold War, they had delusions of aliens instead. Religious people talk to god, atheists write crazy manifestos.

America is hyper-militaristic, hyper-violent and in obvious collapse. This is going to affect the behaviour of Americans undergoing psychotic breakdowns, and some of that behaviour is going to express itself ballistically.

Crazyfolk are the canaries in the coalmine.


Thread. It’s long, but touches on a lot of factors:


The DSA are upbeat:






That statement is true for the actual left as well, unfortunately. There are ones who ascribe to the left economically who do not agree with addressing equality, and they are pretty vocal about it too.

It’s just a hard fact that it is a prevalent issue across political divides, though you will see it more in whiter and more exclusive groups.



The distrust between PoC and white socialists has a solid historical basis, particularly in the USA [1]. And there are plenty of left blokes of all colours who are sketchy on sexism.

Race, class and gender; it’s all about intersectionality. You can’t deal with any of it unless you deal with all of it.

And that’s a key factor.

The DNC Dems appear to be overwhelmingly middle class or above, mostly middle aged or older, heavily white and almost entirely devoid of transfolk. They have some gay people, but mostly of the wealthy white dude variety; a handful of PoC, but generally not working class. Fairly even gender balance.

The online left appears to be substantially younger, browner and poorer than the centrists. Kiran Opal, blackblocboi, Existential Enso, Lana Del Raytheon, etc.

The further left you go, the stronger this factor becomes. The Berniecrats still have a fair collection of straight white dudes from Irony Twitter (Chapo etc.), but once you get left of the DSA there’s barely any to be seen. Everyone hits at least one box on the oppression checklists, and usually more; trans, PoC, Muslim, disabled, etc.


[1] A fair few early American [2] proto-socialists supported slavery as a means of sparing white workers from the worst facets of labour.

[2] For the local equivalent: one of the foundational moments of the Australian left was a premeditated race riot by white goldminers directed against the Chinese. See also the unimpressive record of Oz pastoral worker’s unions’ relationship with Aboriginal farmhands.


Good lefty podcasts all over the place these days:

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I’m not trying to pick a fight with this theme, BTW.

I’m intrigued by the demographic differences between the factions, and I’m also interested in trying to work out this question:

…in part, because I constantly see establishment-aligned Dems expressing sentiments like this:

Which suggests that they really have no idea that there is a reason why the left dislikes them. It isn’t a messaging problem.

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