Reminds me of The Dutch Reach
Well, both have overtones of ‘you’re doing it wrong’, admittedly, but one has a much-needed real-world educational purpose and the other is what Basil Fawlty might have filed under ‘statements of the bleedin’ obvious’.
I find it amazing how enduring that scene is, and interesting that probably lots of people are unaware of its origins…
No Megalosaurus? No Iguanadon? Surprising that the original ‘British’ dinosaurs don’t make the list.
(Pterodactyl is not a Dinosaur)
Number 1 makes sense really, since Brexit shortened their reach so much.
ducks and runs
England is one of the best places in the world for dinosaurs, running all the way from Triassic fellows like Plateosaurus to Late Cretaceous ones like Acanthopholis, but apparently they prefer American ones.
My favorite dinosaur is an Ankylosaurus named Bob. He said there was a bright thing in the sky, but I haven’t heard from him since.
And despite Charlie the Unicorn, no Liopleurodon.
That’s the bit that Catsidhe is missing, they have these at a lot of train stations around Cambridge, where you will be walking the stairs to and from the platform.
He is right that wheelchairs wouldn’t fit (there are lifts for them, children in pushchairs/buggies, people with heavy luggage, etc.).
I have a theory, which was mine but which was stolen from me, about brontosauruses.