Ex-wife…yeah, that makes sense.
The scare quotes are doing a lot of scaring. But I guess it is technically the sexiest taxidermied underwear I have ever seen, because there is no bar to clear. (No, I am not interested in additional candidates at this or any other time.)
I wonder how you clean them.
Not me, honestly. That is, I just don’t want to think about cleaning them.
I kinda don’t want to think about anything about them.
With fire
Nuke it from orbit …
Or just give those hapless rats a proper burial.
Furry knickers?
“This doesn’t seem to have a practical use or any real scientific value,” said Dr Helen Wallace of the campaign group GeneWatch.
“It is designed to get publicity, and I think most people will be shocked,” she added.
The end result:
In a pinch one could substitute a surgical mask for undies.
“Pinch” being the operative word.
Thanks, i hate it
This is a wonderful thing. A fun but ultimately futile attempt to nail down the timeline of Wallace and Gromit.
This is brilliant!
Right? Messiest fruit evah, tamed into tidiness.