Crosses fingers they take up residency in the Republican offices of the statehouse…
As I read this article, I thought of this:
We don’t have a 2020 politics thread, but I don’t really want to be the one to start it, and get notified all over the place, you know?
I was looking for a place to put this, and there didn’t seem to be a better existing thread.
You just need to change your notification settings for the topic you create from “Watching” to “Tracking.”
The only correct size for this item of clothing is “toddler”!
Thank you.
What happened to the term “jumpsuit”? Still silly, but definitely not an item of baby clothing.
Strange discovery of useless knowledge.
PS2’s Amplitude was a precursor to Guitar Hero. The player flies a spaceship and fires in time with the music. I was intigued by the song Uptown Saturday Night by Logan 7. It has a snippet of dialogue which sounds like a B film-noir movie. I always wondered where they pulled the track from.
Years later, I am listening to an old-time radio horror podcast called Ghoulish Delights. As a bonus for their Patreon, they played a record from the 70s show, Kojak. The record was distributed by Peter Pan, a label that was devoted to kids songs and stories. They were known for their Marvel Superhero and Star Trek albums.
Kojak, however, is a tough street-wise detective. I had found the missing link.
Pretty dark for a kid’s record.
Doesn’t a “jumpsuit” refer to a paratrooper? I think Bond would be underdressed for skydiving in his “onesie.”
That’s where it came from, but the term has generalised. When I was a kid, I had a pink jumpsuit with a Peter Pan collar and short sleeves.
Shouldn’t that be a “Bond Onesie?” I can’t imagine Goldfinger in that thing.
I gotta say… normally “guy in a sky blue one-piece shorts and t-shirt thing with his boxers peeking out the legs” would be the epitome of “unsexy” for me, but Sean Connery… damn.
It is a wikipedia article, so by rights it is on topic. but the precision disturbs me greatly
yes, I was looking up “at field.” Sue me.
I’m not a big Sean Connery person (not that I’m against him, just he didn’t float my boat the way he floated a lot of people’s); however, he is ROCKIN that onesie.
That’s one that I knew. You’re right that the precision ratios and grading systems seems a bit much, but for that culture
I guess it fits.
Now for the big question - why were you looking up ‘A.T. Field’?
I’m… conflicted…? On the one had, I <3 sandman, and Netflix has put out some great stuff. On the other hand, I’m not at all confident that Sandman can ever really be translated into another medium.