Well this is interesting

Looking at the Ars article @PatRx2 posted, it’s going to be much worse than my earlier estimate.

It’s not so much a gold-silver alloy as gold with embedded silver nanoparticles, so my guess about the value of the materials is probably low by a factor of 80 (the difference between silver prices and gold prices).

And while I can see maybe being able to transmit, say, 1600 amps through a 17.5 mm2 mostly-silver alloy superconducting cable rather than a 1750 mm2 copper cable, reducing by another factor of 80 to the 0.22 mm2 that would be required to make a mostly-gold cable no more valuable than a copper cable would be… Well, I’ll just say that if this alloy can transmit that kind of current along a conductor no thicker than a piece of paperhalf a millimetre thick, I’ll be thoroughly impressed.

Edit: Okay, I’ve forgotten how area/diameter relationships work. It’s not quite as thin as I thought it would be.


Robert Glasper called out Lauryn Hill!




“Aged to perfection.”


Oh, good. They made it an easy choice. American “cheese” is always the worse option.


I would never have connected broken windows theory to stop and frisk policy. First time I heard about broken windows was in the context of community gardening. It figures racists and classists found a way to twist it to their liking :roll_eyes:


I feel like thete’s A joke in there somewhere.


It’s the perfect cheese to go with a glass of sarcophagus wine.


When I was homeless, I went to a warehouse and got hired to move produce. That meant tossing (or catching) watermelons non-stop for hours on end. They were packed into the trucks, and we had to repack them into giant pallet-sized boxes for distribution to stores. Watermelons are heavy (especially after the first few hundred). I lasted until lunchtime. Seriously. Half a day was all I could do, and that was when I was at my peak. I have no illusions about what people in these jobs do. I’ve tried it, couldn’t do it even when I was young and fit.

ETA: I was ashamed of that. But people need to know. It’s harder than they think.


I’m not confrontational, but when I hear people talk about “them” taking “our jobs” I wish I could ask if they would really be up for picking lettuce or gutting chickens for minimum wage, or less. Because that’s the way our system works, the low price of our food is subsidized by the suffering of human beings.


From now on, I will only accept film recommendations from the FBI:

From the F.B.I. file on Andy Warhol:

There were no title or credits flashed on the screen. The film was in color and an attempt had been made to synchronize sound with the action.

The characters in the film were a nurse, played by TAYLOR MEAD; a sheriff who resided in a small Arizona town - population, three; and a group of about five cowboys with an additional new member called “Boy Julian.” All of the males in the cast displayed homosexual tendencies and conducted themselves toward one another in an effeminate manner. Many of the cast portrayed their parts as if in a stupor from marijuana, drugs or alcohol.

It appeared that there was no script for the film but rather the actors were given a basic idea for a plot and then instructed to act and speak as they felt.

The movie opened with the woman and her male nurse on a street in the town. Five or six cowboys then entered the town and there was evidence of hostility between the two groups. One of the cowboys practiced his ballet and a conversation ensued regarding the misuse of mascara by one of the other cowboys. At times it was difficult to understand the words being spoken, due to the poor audio of the film and the pronunciation by the actors. The film also skips from scene to scene without continuity.

As the movie progressed, one of the actors ran down a hill. The next scene showed a man wearing only an unbuttoned silk cowboy shirt getting up from the ground. His privates were exposed and another cowboy was lying on the ground in a position with head facing the genitals of the cowboy who had just stood up. A jealous argument ensued between the cowboy who was observed running down the hill and the one wearing the silk shirt. The man in the silk shirt was then seen urinating; however, his privates were not exposed due to the camera angle.

Later in the movie the cowboys went out to the ranch owned by the woman. On their arrival, they took her from her horse, removed her clothes and sexually assaulted her. During this time her private parts were exposed to the audience. She was on her back with her clothes removed and an actor was on his knees near her shoulders with his face in the vicinity of her genitals, but a second actor with his back to the camera blocked the view. The position of the male and female suggested an act of cunnilingus; however the act was not portrayed in full view of the camera.

At the end of this scene the woman sat up and said, “Now look - you have embarrassed those children.” There were no children in the movie.

There are other parts in the film in which the private parts of the woman were visible on the screen and there were also scenes in which men were revealed in total nudity. The sheriff in one scene was shown dressing in woman’s clothing and later being held on the lap of another cowboy. Also the male nurse was pictured in the arms of the sheriff. In one scene where VIVA was attempting to persuade one of the cowboys to take off his clothes and join her in her nudity, the discussion was centered around the Catholic Church’s liturgical songs. She finally persuaded him to remove all of his clothes and he then fondled her breasts and rolled on top of her naked body. There were movements and gyrations; however, at no time did the camera show penetration or a position for insertion.

Another scene depicted a cowboy fondling the nipples of another cowboy.

There were suggestive dances done by the male actors with each other. These dances were conducted while they were clothed and suggested love-making between two males.

There was no plot to the film and no development of characters throughout. It was rather a remotely-connected series of scenes which depicted situations of sexual relationships of homosexual and heterosexual nature.

Obscene words, phrases and gestures were used throughout the film.



I wonder how many times they had to watch the movie in order to write such a complete summary. And did the agents sit in different parts of the theater for, you know, privacy?

So happy my taxes are being used for art appreciation.


It’s full of spoilers and the reviewer doesn’t even say how many stars they give it. I’m sticking with Rotten Tomatoes.


I’d love to read their take on West Side Story.