What Are You Listening To?

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Karn Evil 9 is one of my favorites ā€“


This is one of my all time favorite albums


I have a tendency to avoid cultural items with too good of a reputation. Iā€™m afraid of being disappointed. A prime example of this is the newly re-assembled recording of Duke Ellingtonā€™s concert at the Newport Jazz Festival.

I know all about Paul Gonsalvesā€™ epic saxophone solo. I know about the woman who couldnā€™t help dancing and got the audience up on its feet. I know about the near riot that broke out when the organizers tried to end the concert twice. I know how this one event changed Ellingtonā€™s status from a fading band leader to that of a living legend.

And knowing all that was enough. But I knew I would have to listen to it eventually.

On a recent trip I brought it with me. Itā€™s two hours of amazing. The closest Iā€™ll get to being there on that pleasant summer day that occurred 18 years before I was born.

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This, to me, is similar, but not so much in career-raising, but just that it bloody happened.

I have the CD, but canā€™t find the full one free online, I highly recommend it. Iā€™d like to think I was being conceived at the very moment it happened, even though I was in MI and they were in RI.

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Rolling through the Appalachians along the Potomac listening to Dead Letter Office. Very appropriate.

Iā€™ve never heard this curiosity before:

I would have posted this last night, but there is only sporadic cellular service past Harpers Ferry.

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Really fun song

Here are the lyrics so you can sing along:

I woke up when somebodyā€™s microwave went ding [ding]
All the way across town
I woke up when somebodyā€™s cat started to sing [meew]
All the way across town

Iā€™m sensitive these days to whispering walls
And any word starting with ā€˜Aā€™
I leap up imagining telephone calls
Then I lie back repeating the words you donā€™t say

I woke up as soon as I thought you might be dressed [zzzip]
All the way across town
I swam through my day ā€“ couldnā€™t wait to get some rest
Go home and pull the shades down

I read giant meaning in minuscule things
I canā€™t tell the real from the wrong
And cereal boxes and cinema flings
And in really bad lyrics to radio songs [Baby, baby!]

Iā€™ll make up my face if youā€™re heading this way
Iā€™ll bake up the cake if youā€™re planning to stay
Weā€™ll eat up our sins and then kneel down and pray

Insomniac is back on queue, the only tack that gets me through
Is to choke a few and a drink or two
I stand at the sink and I think and I think and I
Wrote a song about a long, long night
Conjuring you, itā€™s really quite a nice thing to do

So you stay on your side and Iā€™ll stay on mine
Itā€™s bad intersection if we intertwine
My days may be dull be my dreams are divine


On the other side of the spectrum:


There is nothing wrong with your TV set.


I told my son when he was a kid that the test pattern was ā€œThe Rainbow Channelā€, or ā€œThe Spectrum Channelā€.


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I guess itā€™s the right time of year for this, now.

This is ā€¦ well, this is. Which is weird enough.

Perhaps as the reviewer said, ā€œthe best fast food-themed Black Sabbath tribute band everā€?


Ah hell, now I want RIBS!!!

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I, Tom Lehrer, and the Tom Lehrer Trust 2007, hereby grant the following permissions:

All copyrights to lyrics or music written or composed by me have been relinquished, and therefore such songs are now in the public domain. All of my songs that have never been copyrighted, having been available for free for so long, are now also in the public domain.