What Are You Listening To?

Ok, I don’t know how this works, it feels like talking to an H.P. Lovecraft character but somehow it does work.

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On the topic of prog rock, how do you like your classic 1970s rock? With yodeling, flute, a whistling solo, and a band that refused to choose a shorter song to fit the timeslot so they just played a long one and sped everything up 1.5x while playing live?

I can’t help but imagining Bill Bailey doing a cover of this.


From a 1985 TV show entitled “Deja View” where they took classic songs and made videos to go along with them.


This is such a fun song!! I first heard it in college, around 1973.


Yes, I’m still on this. Took a 4-day weekend, and in between choring, I’m really enjoying this guy’s stuff. So relaxing. Hearing a 60s song redone and adapted this way is so cool.

And then there’s this:

There’s a good live version but I think I already shared that.

Anyway, after this I think I’m gonna pull up one of my Blues playlists. It’s just that kinda weekend.

(Unrelated side note: the system still has the bug where you can’t scroll down to the ‘Submit’ button if you post this much. I just happen to know the tech well enough to programmatically submit via the console. But most people don’t. CTRL+ENTER may work however if you find yourself in that position.)


This evening I’ve been listening to The Enid, a British prog rock group not very well-known in the U.S. (I discovered them entirely by accident)
They’ve been around since the 1970s and have been though much turmoil over the years, but they’re still around, and founder, composer, keyboardist Robert John Godfrey is doing his best to ensure that The Enid outlives him.

The finale to their 20-minute(!) tune “Fand”:


I’m always pleasantly surprised to hear this man sing.


Poor Woody (his preferred nickname; he didn’t like Wally). He said if he …“had to it over again, I would cut off my hands.” We’re so glad you didn’t, Woody, in spite of your pain.

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Bad sound on this one, and it’s a crappy cover, but it’s still incredibly impressive. This guy’s doing bass, guitar and drums, all at once on just a ukulele.

If he could get some better recording and find a way to do the keyboard on uke, it’d be incredible.


He has a tutorial for it, too:


Wow, that was incredible. Like if Bob Ross taught music instead of painting. I feel like I could actually understand what he was talking about, and if I had my daughter’s ukelele I could even follow along (with a little practice).


This is my new favorite thing. It’s a perfect way to demonstrate how my brain works.

Also, if I die I want this played at my funeral and people better be dancing.

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And this one never gets old, no matter how much I listen to it.

“office to office I can hack your email find out if you like male or female, I keep secrets, if you say so, but everybody knows you got to pay mo’.”


I like that young people are taking our music, making their own versions of it, having fun with it, and playing it forward, keeping it alive.

Sometimes they even do covers of covers

It’s been about a decade since I discovered Centhron, and started listening to them. There were no official music videos from them back then, but a number of industrial dance videos on Youtube had their music.

Within the last month or so, they’ve been putting out official videos. So I guess they’ve finally made it enough to do that. Dreckstück is a good one; clearly produced so they can do that now.

But one of the nice things about it is that they also seem to give a callout to all those amateur dance videos that people have posted over the years in, for example Cunt. Which seems to flip back and forth between the band and the dancers.

Idk how much of that is perception vs. reality, but I like at least that it acknowledges that for like a decade they were spreading via these amateur dance videos.

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Someone likes 1990s Sean Connery, eh?

Lyrics to live by!

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