Whatcha Watchin'?

At least you weren’t surrounded by folks clapping their hands and yelling “M-J-R!”


Why would folks yell that?

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I’m not sure they really understand their customers. And sometimes it seems like they don’t even understand their own business model. If they did, they would bring back intermissions for longer films (ones over 2.5 hours run time). They don’t make a lot of profit on ticket sales. They make a fucking insane margin on concessions. But for me, if it’s a long movie, I get a small soda and popcorn, and then I barely drink any of the soda, because I don’t want to have to get up in the middle of the film, possibly missing something important, because I have to go pee. Jesus, give people an intermission so they can pee and GO BUY MORE OVERPRICED CONCESSIONS BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND THEY WILL!! Why are they showing you investor promo/thank you clips? Likely because those investors insisted on it and that’s how they’re making their money now. All that shit before the movie is, essentially, advertising. So movie theaters are now ad based, basically.


I wonder if the decision about intermission or not is made by the film distributors.


When the three beats come along after the word “out” is sung, everyone in the theater claps their hands. And now I’m not sure if they yell “MJR” or not. I just refuse to go to movie theaters anymore. One reason is the risk of COVID, and the other is my not being able to stand being surrounded by other people.

Geez, I’m sure on my way to becoming a misanthrope, ain’t I? If I’ve not already made it there.


That’s from where the theaters get the bulk of their profits. Hey, I remembered something from one of my college courses, so my degree does mean something!


I had to look that up. MJR is a relatively small chain of theaters in the Detroit area so I think most non-locals wouldn’t be familiar with it, or their whole clapping ritual.


Thanks, that makes sense.

Those are the reasons why I only go to matinees (which are still a bit cheaper too!), especially for movies that are enhanced by a big screen and/or big sound system. I rarely see more than 4 or 5 other people there.

Theaters must lose money on me, since I never buy any of their junk food.


It certainly used to be, but I wonder now if it still is. Maybe that’s the reason for the expansion of the pre film ads. Maybe that’s where they’re making money now. I don’t know.


Hm, I thought they were spread about wider than that.

Now I’m missing the ol’ 'hood theaters. And how great they were.


Only modern movie i’ve seen with an intermission with a special cut/screening of Hateful Eight, which i quite enjoyed having that break. From what i’ve read the whole intermission thing is dictated by studios, so movie theaters even though they want to they legally aren’t allowed to if the studios say no. I think the intermission is sorely needed, i always have to use the bathroom even for a regular length movie and having to guess what is the “boring” part of the movie so i can do my business is annoying.


I know just how she feels, not from my family being on film but with the inaccuracies that, while not intrinsic to the plot, add the atmosphere and environment that makes the entire film more realistic. My dad was like that about WWII movies and Cliff Clavin; he’d say the planes were wrong for that time, or something about a uniform for the former. For the latter, it would be mailman stuff, like “He’s not supposed to leave the office with his keys!”

“The Doors” is a great example of how to take the basics of a person’s life and then run with them as they wish.

I guess the rationale is that lies make as much money as truth, if not more? (which is a true affront to my delicate nature.)


Hoping for more growth as a meme stock, no doubt.


The completion of the equity offering, which was initially launched on March 28, came as the meme trade roared back into action on Monday. After the reemergence of Keith Gill, also known as “Roaring Kitty,” whose bull case on GameStop ignited the meme stock rally back in 2021, sent shares of GameStop (GME) soaring in early action on Monday, AMC quickly spiked in sympathy.

Once again am I thrust into my suspicion that I no longer have much of any idea anymore of how the world around me works.


I’m actually surprised by how little I miss going to movie theaters. I’ve seen a few classics on the big screen after watching them on video dozens of times, so I appreciate how seeing it in an actual cinema is a whole different and better experience, but it simply doesn’t balance out having to travel to and from the theater, paying a huge ticket price, having to sit through a half hour of obnoxious ads and trailers, being unable to take a bathroom break, other people talking or using their phones during the movie, worrying that I’m about to become a target in another mass shooting, etc. etc. I may never set foot in a theater again, unless it’s at a friend’s request, and I’m fine with that.


i guess we should consider ourselves lucky to even get first-run movies in the upper keys, but tourists like movies, too - and snowbirds come down and we double in population for a few months. that is primarily the reason we have a little cinema with five shoebox auditorium that show the latest flicks.
the mum loves going “out to the movies” and we pick a slow day of an afternoon, have some grouper sammies and a cold beer, then pop in, where we find ourselves two of maybe 6-10 other oldfolk.
me? i can take it or leave it, i prefer streaming at home. at home we can pause for potty breaks, cook up yummy appetizers and mix cocktails and settle in for the main attraction.
all that said, since our theater is a locally-owned affar, the adverts before are of a local nature, right up until about 10-15 minutes before the trailers begin, we get the national brands advertised. all interspersed with those little “movie trivia” bits.
then the lights go down, the movie starts… and i have to pee!


Just finished the first season of Bad Sisters (Irish TV, mystery, thriller, comedy, social commentary, and more).

Great fun, so well done!


What an excellent Christmas movie.


At some point this past year I realized I was consciously avoiding watching biopics. I noticed I felt dread every time I felt there was another one I might be expected to watch. And it occurred to me… I actually like fully hate biopics.

No judgement on people who like them but I feel relieved from the internalized social pressure.

I can’t think of any I enjoyed but I always felt like I was supposed to at least pretend.