Whatcha Watchin'?

Oh, I know I can’t watch that shit; no matter how much lots of other people like it.

Ditto White Lotus, even though I did watch the first season of that show in its’ entirety.

Rich amoral assholes doing whatever the hell they please with little to no real negative consequences holds no interest for me either; real life is already like that, far too often.


Stick with it, it’s amazing!

Fingers crossed S02 is as good…


Unless there is some sort of sign for the impeding comeuppance for Lumon/the Eagans, I’m probably not going to.


Same. I couldn’t even make it through the first episode. Like…we’re living in this shit. I want my tv to be escapism, not more of the reality that already pisses me off. I do not give a shit about seeing the inner workings of families like the Murdochs and Trumps, not even fictionalized versions of them.


I felt that way about The Crown too, like, why should I spend time watching a sanitized, fictionalized version of the lives of noxious parasites?


Yeah, I never had any interest in watching that either. Honestly…I have trouble getting into much of anything these days. Most shows feel like they require an investment of possibly several years of not missing an episode. I kind of miss truly episodic tv shows, where each episode is almost completely disconnected from every other episode. Monster of the week, crime of the week, mystery of the week, hilarious misunderstanding of the week, and so on. I kind of hate that if you want to watch a show now, you basically need to watch from the first episode of the first season, and watch every episode in order without missing any. That’s a big commitment.


Everyone should watch a little French film named “Army of Shadows,” because it’s a good movie, and maybe for other reasons.


Rewatching Venture Brothers from the beginning (so we can watch the last season we’ve not seen yet and then the movie, which we got for Xmas)… I just realize that that show started 20 years ago…


Such a great show!




IKR? It’s hard to believe I’ve been randomly yelling “Spanakopita!” for freaking decades!



Pussycat asked to watch something at lunch so I put this on because I knew she didn’t want to watch Silo or Squid Game S02 and this was all I had downloaded. It’s just the kind of stupid/smart silly humor I like and it’s a parody of Charles Dickens and I love Katherine Parkinson and Mitchell & Webb and SHE HATED IT and it led to a stupid fight and now it’s yet another show I’ll have to watch alone, in my COPIOUS FREE TIME (sarcasm). :person_shrugging:


That’s a bummer but i understand. My partner and i end up watching most things separately, i would delight in watching things with her, but we’re often very whimsical as far as our moods for tv shows and movies. So as to not frustrate the other person we watch things on our own when we feel like it, but we do occasionally set time to watch certain things as a couple.

Currently she really wants me to watch Lady in the Water with her and honestly i’m not looking forward to it.


I quite enjoy the Jolly/Korean Englishman YT channels, today they released a video of them eating at Heston Blumenthal’s restaurant. Surprisingly Heston decided to sit down and eat with them which he says he never does, the video is surprisingly touching


Oof. That one is really dumb, even for MNS. Not his worst though!


Mine wants to finish the second season of Arcane. Which would be good, it’s one of the few shows we both enjoy. But our kid keeps popping up from bed and that is definitely not a show for an 8 year old. We got our headphones paired to the TV and she still got up and lurked in the hall where we couldn’t see her. Luckily, the cat tattled on her before anything too awful could happen on screen. She did this when I was watching One Punch Man too. Cat tattled that time as well. I now watch anime on a tablet. My partner isn’t much interested in anime.
We’ve tried to watch Arcane later in the night, when she’s solidly asleep, but we are both too tired by then :weary:


We just finished Bad Sisters, loved it! Let me know what you think about S2 when you’re done.


I am done!

I didn’t like it as much as the first. As much of a prick as The Prick indeed was, he was also funny, as was each way he came back to life. The new villians weren’t as compelling to me. The great mix of comedy and attempted murder in the first season tipped over too much for me into grim and anxiety-ridden misery in the second. I mean, I of course love the message, the depictions of the effects of domestic abuse and of women’s solidarity in the face of it, but it wasn’t presented in a way I found as fresh and gripping as the first season. All of which isn’t to say I disliked S 2; it was still good!

I also wondered about what seemed liked some loose ends, especially: what happened to the large inheritance The Prick must’ve gotten, on top of the large amount he and Grace already had, judging by their large and lovely house?

What did you think?


I’ve been rewatching Futurama lately, with the eventual goal of catching up and watching some of the newer episodes I’ve never seen before (hopefully I don’t regret it). I watched “Parasites Lost” last night, and I still think this might be my favorite moment from the whole series:


Your take is ours too. JP was a revolting pig, and Tom Claffin was an officious one. S2 was about covering tracks, not much about taking down creeps. I still enjoyed it immensely