Whatcha Watchin'?

so, the mum and i watched the entire series up to the “to be continued…”
not a new thing, but i wonder if anyone has thoughts:

it was overall likeable, if violent, largely steroetyping, and relies on very lazy tropes…
what was it that was so compelling that we watched the whole thing?


What I find disturbing is the usual implication in mainstream entertainment that there’s something wrong with men just sitting around enjoying each other’s company (let alone that a good story could be made about that).


Maybe that’s what’s giving me bad vibes.


That or the cliched ominous music. :wink:


Well there is that, but that was the intended disturbing part. There was something in the back of my head that wasn’t liking the trailer, and it may be what you said first. I like Paul Rudd a lot, and I like what little I’ve seen of Tim Robinson, which isn’t much, but something feels off with this. It could be good, though. At least A24 seems to still be trying to make original movies.


Haven’t even watched it yet, but these days I’m inclined to assume that anything, aimed at adults, simply named “Friendship” will be dark. And from A24?


Sure, I was joking (thus the wink).

I think there may also be a kind of ick factor (for men) there too. If the target audience is men, there’s something in other buddy-group movies like that (was it Weekend in Vegas? and that one with Billy Crystal doing some kind of cowboy getaway with some friends…) that I’ve noticed, depictions of how awkward it supposedly is for men to hang out and just enjoy being together. They have to instead DO something, often something wild or crazy (boys will be boys), maybe because intimacy scares most heterosexual men (No homo! etc.).


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I think it’s disturbing because I can’t tell from the trailer if it’s comedy or horror.

Also it seems, to my amusement anyway, to be based on the TV series “The Boys.”


Seeing Amber just once in a while on LNwSM isn’t enough. And not seeing Roy Wood, Jr. for a while left a hole in my sense of humor. Even Michael Ian Black isn’t as unfunny as I thought him to be in the past.


As a long time, albeit casual, watcher of the Brit version, I haven’t adapted well to the US copy.


I saw Captain America: Brave New World this weekend. It might be the okayest movie I’ve ever seen. Is it good? Not really. Is it bad? No. It’s just ok. I’m not mad I paid money to go see it, but I also don’t think I got my money’s worth. It may be the most aggressively okay movie I’ve ever seen.


So I don’t plan to watch it but I’m just curious to know: would you say that Harrison Ford’s character required more or less CGI than his character did in the latest Indiana Jones movie, and which film achieved the most lifelike results?


I’m up for it in the theater. If only because it was subject to so much racist fanboy hate before it was even released.


Some of the reviews i’ve seen talk about how the movie had a lot of reshoots, which isn’t exactly unusual but it can point towards problems with the movie underperforming.

I think the last live action Marvel movie i saw was Deadpool & Wolverine, but even then i’ve missed a whole bunch before, and i’ve not been interested in watching anything since. Probably burned out on Marvel stuff, or the movies they’ve been putting out is just not great. Or maybe it’s both (we know it’s both).


Well that’s just silly. These are characters straight out of the comics. Sam Wilson became Captain America in the comics. I imagine some of those fanboys complained then, but still…this is a pretty straightforward comic book adaptation. Well, the characters are all out of the comics. The storyline, not so much. The least comic book accurate depiction is the Leader, who they don’t even give that name to. Oh, and also that the Red Hulk seems to be out of his mind with rage, just like the Green Hulk, where in the comics, the Red Hulk retains his normal intelligence and emotions when he hulks out. Of course, Ross is basically always angry anyway, so that could be the explanation.

I assume that’s not a serious question, but I will say this. Liv Tyler makes a short appearance at the end as Betty Ross, and I’m 100% certain she was CGI’d in. She looked like the Princess Leia CGI at the end of Rogue One. It was pretty bad.

ETA: Actually, the new Falcon, Joaquin Torres, isn’t comic book accurate, either. He’s still Hispanic in the comics, but in the comics, his body actually got fused with that of a Falcon (specifically Sam Wilson’s Redwing, who is an actual bird in the comics, not an advanced drone), so he’s literally half Falcon. Because comics are weird. In this movie, he’s just a dude with an advanced hi-tech flight suit.


You’re probably right since a whole lot of people think the appearance looked weird, but Disney is claiming that she really was there on set, whatever that even means anymore when most of their “sets” are entirely virtual these days


I believe she was on set. I also think her appearance was heavily altered by something more than just lighting. She looks very unnatural. I suspect Hollywood doesn’t like how she’s aged, and Kevin Feige didn’t want Betty Ross to have similarly aged.


Harrison Ford is 82. Just how old do they think his daughter would be?