Whatcha Watchin'?

I’m watching Altered Carbon, first episode.

So far it’s Blade Runner crossed with Terminator crossed with the original Korean Old Boy. Not in a good way.

I’m giving it until the end of the episode.


Read the book recently. It required the mastermind at the buzzer mindset.

I’ve started so I’ll finish.


I know I said I’d give it until the end of the episode, But I just couldn’t. Too much exposition, too many visuals that were tired by the end of the 80s trying to look risqué.


I thought the book had neat ideas, but I really, really dislike books that are an intelligence/memory test for the reader. My impression was that whenever some brand new technology or event was mentioned, you had that one chance to understand and remember it. There were no hints to help you recall along the way. Admittedly such things are difficult to do subtly and fluidly. I don’t know if the writer didn’t know how to do (without using an “As you know, Bob”), or was just of the mind that, “if you can’t follow it, you’re just not as smart as I am.”


I liked it at first. But I think it really suffers from allowing the technological conceit to warp the plot, rather than the plot having to accommodate the conceit. Boring.


"I hate all you people. "

Try to imagine the world where the Rump wins. And trundle forword. That is Altered Carbon.


And yes, it gets better.


I am three episodes in! Still have no idea what is going on!
But it got better! More hard boiled noir detective thingy, with punching, and penii, and sci-fi.
I have thoughts!

  1. 250 years and nothing much has changed? Really? Is there any period in human history where this has been true? Where someone from 250 years ago could just wake up and “get it” no issues at all?

  2. Hello penis! There is a lot of big name penis! Oh look! More penis! I mean, I’m not complaining, but is there a reason he was just totes naked and talking to everyone and everyone else was dressed?

  3. Nip nops! Everywhere! As far as the eye can see! Apparently no one in the future wears bras. And everyone is small tittied. And shows their nipples in every scene.

  4. Catholics! I like you! That is neat! Nice twist, I approve!

  5. There is subtitles, randomly, so I have to stop cooking and rewind and pay attention! There needs to be a “full attention” vs “can watch in background” rating for TV shows!

  6. Punching! OMG so much punching. There is a lot of fighting in the future you guys. So much fighting. And yet they all have guns. They are all very bad at using said guns. So they punch instead. Did I mention the punching?

  7. Addendum! Guns. Its 250 years in the future from what was already way in the fucking future… And we are still using guns and punching to solve our conflicts. Really. Man that is depressing as hell.

  8. I am sounding more negative than I really am. Its very fun. Cheese ball noir sci-fi over the top without going totally over the top. Its very pretty. Explains nothing and expects you to keep up.

  9. Also I enjoy the Edgar Allen Poe AI possibly too much.


I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m intrigued


Altered Carbon.

This is #9 - and I lurve him.


Um. Not everyone.


Only on episode 3.
Lotta peen, only small tiddies.

Maybe E4 will bring me some big ones.


Now I feel like skim-watching the episodes, just skipping ahead when I get bored.


I fastforward through all the punching.

I just ain’t go time for punching.


I know what you mean. I love action/adventure stories of all sorts, but a few years ago it finally clicked what people mean by “boring action scenes”.

Heh. Imagine if action scenes were treated like sex scenes – a few punches thrown, and then a dissolve to the hero getting patched up afterwards, or the bad guy striding away, or whatever.


Every movie has a fist fight in act three.
Once I realized that, I can’t unsee it.
And it takes me out of the movie for the duration.
“Oh here’s the fist fight in act three, hmmm did I answer that email from Jim? I wonder if the dog pooped in the kitchen, I think we’re out of Q-Tips… is it over yet? Nope. I should put a load of laundry on when we get home… maybe I’ll make some bread…”


My co-worker had already started watching and kept asking if I’d started. I knew nothing of the show other than Sci-Fi , so wondering if it might be something the spouse and I could watch together, I asked…

“So? Is it violent at all?” (Because dear spouse will no longer watch shows with a lot of violence if she can help it)

He just laughed. And then brought up all the nudity.

So, once again, it’s “watch in my office while I’m working show”

Episode one done.


OMG why am I doing this to myself WAIT WAIT THIS IS WHY



I watched The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. It’s a classic. Ridiculous 80s-style fun. They should make more movies like that.

Also been watching The Good Place. Really enjoying it so far. It’s about a utopian afterlife where only the best of the best get to go. But the protagonist really wasn’t that good in life, so maybe she got there by mistake? And the perfect afterlife turns out to be a little bit screwy, as do some of the other people there. It’s a fun show.


One of those great examples of don’t ask questions just go with it movies and it gets better on repeated watching. Also a cast of some of the best character actors of the time.