like @ChickieD i sometimes go back and edit my posts for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. most of the time i append an edit statement saying which one or more of those elements i edited. i suppose we couldn’t count on someone trollish to be so dependable.
It used to be pretty unreliable for me on my mobile version of Chrome; the gray Quote button would only show up about half the time when I highlighted text. For some reason it seems to work better now. If the Quote button doesn’t appear, I just re-highlight and poof! It appears.
There are certain user I routinely screen cap if they engage with me, because they have a history of editing their replies, and I find it so very dishonest. Stand by your words!
Also, on my phone at least (chrome on android), when you start a reply the “text balloon” icon is in the toolbar and you can hit it to get a quote of the entire message you’re responding to. Then you can edit it down to just the parts you want to keep. Often easier than trying to highlight text.

It’s just good practice to quote whatever you’re replying to. If people did that, this would be total non-starter as an issue.
Nah, that’s still gameable, it’s just the second-derivative version. Just alter the quoted text until it’s thoroughly made of straw, then claim they edited. Point out the ‘grace period’ for typos. Or just pick someone who edits late typos all the bloody time (like me).
I don’t care if people can see my edits. Mostly spelling and grammar fixes.
If it gets to be an issue, talk to a mod. They can view edit histories regardless.
Do we really need (or want) to be suspicious of each other all the time? Do we want to be mining edits for argumentative ammo?

Do we really need (or want) to be suspicious of each other all the time? Do we want to be mining edits for argumentative ammo?
If that part’s directed at me, then absolutely “no, and no”, respectively.
I don’t think either of the potential abuse cases are a big issue (especially with responsive mods, as you say) - or, indeed, something to be worried about (bigger fishes and all that) but, it’s gameable to similar degrees either way, so that is what I said.
OTOH, being able to quietly judge people’s hidden grammar errors? Make it a paid subscription feature and we’ll fund this ship!

being able to quietly judge people’s hidden grammar errors?
“Quietly”‽ Now where’s the fun in that?
We may be judgemental, dismissive and smug - but I’ll have you know that we are not uncouth.
(Alternatively: “What? Why would you suggest that I had sex with a sheep? I haven’t done anything to you! Mods!
Help, help, I’m being oppressed!”)
Speak for yerself, Mister Couth!
(Ahem. Is there an extra e in “judgmental” there? And–I beg your pardon–is that em dash a trifle narrow?)

Is there an extra e in “judgmental” there
British English, dear fellow.
We don’t serve your kind here.
(Why don’t you wait out by the speeder? We don’t want any trouble.)
Oh - you’re one of those fans. I see.
(You know, anyone who comes in half way through this is going to get entirely the rightwrong idea, here.)
Actually, there was a point here and much as I’m enjoying this, I don’t want to completely derail this. Out of curiosity, can the mods see the edits committed within the initial ‘grace’ period, too?
(We’ll find out, if anyone checks my last post for the edit log Easter egg. )

can the mods see the edits committed within the initial ‘grace’ period, too?
I’m fairly certain I can’t see my own edits made during the grace period. i suspect they’re not saved anywhere.

Not quite sure what the solution is to this behavior. It always smacks of drama queen to me.
There have been occasions when I have reviewed my own posts and decided that they contributed nothing and were counterproductive. Since it’s clear that people sometimes read my posts months after the event, I think it wise to delete them. Nothing ever really goes away on the Internet, so any idea that you can alter history is, as Henry Ford would observe, bunk.
Recently I made a factual mistake in a post on The Register (I’m away from my print sources) and also on BoingBoing. (Sometimes I find that Wikipedia or whatever is against me but sometimes I find Wikipedia is wrong so I prefer to rely on print). On The Register because of the 10 minute edit window I deleted the post and apologised for the error. The apology got quite a lot of upvotes…I’m not sure what this proves.
So personally, on the whole, I support long term edit and delete. Blogs are not journals of record. If this means a few trolls abusing the system, to a certain extent we’re back to Oh no, someone is wrong on the Internet!
That’s interesting. I tend to go the other way around, where I will keep up even my biggest mistakes so people can see that, well, I’m a human, and I did some dumb stuff, but I keep trucking.