Why Not Call the Cops

Last time I looked at the thread, it had Va Beach PD tweeting back saying they had no record of an event matching that description in their jurisdiction. I wonder how that’s shaking out. My first thought was overly-specific denial.


goddamn. I didn’t think America could EVER get this bad.


They don’t wanna deescalate. They wanna jus’ shoot themselves some [insert racial epithet here]s, like they see in all those fun instructional videos on the intertubes./s

Fuck this shit.


By the book.
Bye book.

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They’ve “obtained the true identity of the author of the original tweet”.

How did they obtain the true identity of the author of the original tweet?

Guessing that’s a screenshot of a Facebook post.


As cops, they are allowed to contact Twitter and ask for account info, including IP address logs etc. Unless someone was making a point of covering their tracks, wouldn’t be difficult from there.


Yes, they can ask, but I’d hope Twitter wouldn’t give it to them without a subpoena. Maybe I missed that news. Does Twiiter just hand out this information, or is there already a subpoena/court order involved?


Legally, if I’m remembering it right (I trained people to do this for Microsoft back in the day), they don’t need a subpoena. They just need to prove they’re really the cops. One of those post-9/11 laws.


Yeah I’m fuzzy on this. The last I remember was related to Occupy Wall Street and maybe some people arrested in a march across a bridge. IIRC identities were handed over, but I thought it was based on a court order or something. (Doesn’t that sound like a million years ago?)


“He was naked in the bathtub. He had no weapon,” attorney Mark Thomsen said. “There is no reason in any situation that a young African-American male suffering from mental illness should be shot [with a Taser] 15-18 times and then die.”


The only times he was clearly tased “result in Mr. Trammell screaming in pain, but did not result in compliance”

and that right there is why the american police force is completely and totally busted.

they’re being trained to seek compliance instead of being trained to protect and aid.

didn’t answer the door? knock it down.

didn’t respond to commands? whip out the taser or the gun.

good star. you’re a hero. your goal to dominate won out.

was a crime stopped? was a life saved?

the whole premise is completely backwards.


The medical examiner said the cause of Adam Trammell’s death on May 25, 2017, was “excited delirium” and the manner of death was undetermined

WTF? Was the medical examiner the police chief’s grandson, who agreed to do it because he got to skip class at middle school that day?

Trammell suffered from schizophrenia and was bipolar, […] a Milwaukee Fire paramedic administered ketamine to calm Trammell

Ehh… Quite possibly not a good idea.

they used the Tasers because they thought they were dealing with a medical emergency

“We thought there might be a fire, so we threw gasoline and explosives on it.”

The district attorney concluded the officers did not use the Tasers abusively because that was "the only reasonable restraint available to the officers

Aside from restraining themselves from attacking someone, maybe? Didn’t think of that…

Note to self: never go to Milwaukee. I could not have imagined a stupider response, let alone imagined that level of stupidity all the way from the cops to the medics to the medical examiner to the DA to the chief.


Police are trained for “pain compliance,” i.e. torture.

Police are trained to use things which are supposed to incapacitate to extract “pain compliance”… the thing is, if you “pain compliance” someone, they can’t comply, which can provide the pretext to continue “pain compliancing” them, until “excited delirium” i.e. death from torture.


Geneva it’s just a place in sweden.

yes I know it’s in Switzerland.




I just completely don’t understand that. WTF was the conversation?

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“There’s people here that I’m scared of.”

“Are they attacking anyone? Raping, robbing, murdering, or something?”

“Nahh, they’re just quietly walking around, touring the campus, following the tour guide.”

“Oh no! We’ll send some officers right away!”


The “Official Response” is what always angers me.

Racist Sons of Bitches are going to be Racist. But, goddamned, can we get some officers that don’t agree so rapidly with the Wipipo.


What a perfect specimen of prejudice, captured in a 911 call. I feel for those two guys. The caller needs to get out of the house more. I hope she’s mortified.


Nah. She’s more likely to be one of those “zero risk” parents who doesn’t get what ratios like “1 in 100,000” actually mean. 'Cos, you know, she was just doing it to be on the safe side. You can never be too careful you know.


Either that or she just wanted to make it hard for them. On purpose.