Why Not Call the Cops

So, there was a party next door at this same house, and they got loud, after midnight. I called the cops; they came by.

Not 15 minutes or so ago, that young man I mentioned in my previous post was in front of my front bedroom window, saying some things I caught, some I didn’t. I caught that I didn’t have to call the cops; and that I’m a fucking bitch, this one several times. One of the others talked to him in Hmong, sounded like they were trying to get him to stop, but he didn’t. And he said my name, “Luuuu-cy”…really creepy.

I called the cops again. WTF?

PS: And yes, I am frightened.

PPS: Cops were here: I told them the above, plus about the previous problem. Since the guy had gone back into his house, there wasn’t much they could do besides tell me to call 'em again if there are more problems.

I just want to go make a LOT of noise right now.

The next morning…

I got about 3 hours sleep, if that. He didn’t break my rosebushes; now THAT I could charge him with, but if the cops weren’t present when he was creeping me out, there’s nothing they can do. (I went out and checked not long before dawn.)

I’ve been out in the backyard, but not in the front. This is really bothering me - like I NEED this right now, I’m sure you all know from my other saga. I was scared and now I’m extremely pissed-off. LIke, it’s a good thing I’m only a coffee drinker and not a meth head sort of pissed off


If he starts it up again, maybe try to record him?


If possible.


Sounds scary, though… on top of everything else you’re dealing with, a shitty, threatening neighbor doesn’t help.


Worse - people who don’t know and/or care that I was well within my rights. It was after midnight, fercrissakes, and there was also a child screaming (not in pain, but you know how kids just scream because they can) at that point.

I called my brother and left him a voicemail, even though I knew he was probably asleep, but he’s still my big brother and I’m gonna revert to type, LOL! I haven’t heard from him yet, though.

And earlier in the week, Tuesday I think, my musical partner was driving up his “street” in the trailer park where he lives, and was going a bit over 10 MPH. He told me a guy, who was standing at the curb with his family, ran after him and cussed him out about going too fast and threatened to hit him! This to a 70-year-old overweight man with post-polio syndrome.



My neighbors thought I was the one calling the cops on them, but it was someone on the other side. Personally I liked their music, wanted to party with them, but it was always late and would’ve been awkward to just invite myself, so never happened. At least they eventually recognized that I wasn’t the bad guy calling the cops on them. Might’ve had to jump the fence while drunk a time or two to get the message through tho. :rofl:


“He is doing great, thankfully,” Sheriff’s Captain Todd Weber said at the time. “The wound was minor and he’s been treated and he’s doing well, in high spirits.”

The only problem was, there was no wound. Mr Reinosa has now admitted fabricating the sniper fire and using a knife to cut two fake bullet holes in the shoulder area of his shirt.

It was not immediately clear why it took so long to notice that Mr Reinosa had not suffered any wounds.


A resident of Lancaster described the city’s mayor to me as trump but white instead of orange. They also told me that the only arrests made were of people in the nearby apartment complex who resisted being rounded up and confined to the high school during the “active shooter" situation. This is a fucked deal.


Sooo, not only did they have some sort of …moaning, Asian karaoke going on until nearly 2 a.m., after that was over, there was some sort of argument.

Did I call the cops? Nope.


Ugh… that sucks.


If it happens the same way - or worse, next week, I’ll call. I wish I could, like, talk to the guy like he was reasonable or something, and ask:

“Have I or anyone else on our side of the street or our block ever had our music turned up loud past 10 p.m.? Have you heard me or anyone else in the neighborhood fighting loudly at 2 a.m.? (pause for answers, which should be in the negative) Then what makes you so special that you can do these things and not have someone complain to the cops about it? What makes you think whispering crap like a coward through my bedroom window is gonna stop me next time?”

HAHAHA - I just thought of something - have a squirt bottle handy, with water (and maybe some vinegar? perfume?) and shoot him through the screen if he does that again. Either that, or hope that St. Andrew’s spider bites him. I don’t want him falling into the rosebush, though; he might break it.


Vinegar and cayenne pepper.


I have homemade pest spray for my rosebushes - it’s water, vinegar, and oils of clove and cinnamon. :smiley:


Find the cop’s house and stand in front of their bedroom window talking all kinds of shit at 1 in the morning and I bet they’ll suddenly think of something they can do


If the perp’s not there when the cops get there, there honestly isn’t much they can do, except be prepared for me to call again. I’ve called them in the past, last September, matter of fact, so it’s not like this is a first-time thing.

It was 2 a.m., I did state that. And why the heck would I waste my time doing that when I could be SLEEPING?

And HELLO - would you want SINCERELY recommend that a woman do that? Why should I be a coward, too, come to think of it?


A neighbour said he called a non-emergency number after becoming worried in the early hours about an open door.

Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows a confrontation lasting only seconds.

The clip shows officers circulating the perimeter of the residential property and spotting a figure at the window. After demanding the person put their hands up, an officer then fired a shot through the glass.

The Fort Worth Police Department said in a statement that the officer, who is a white man, had “perceived a threat” when he drew his weapon.

Your job becomes so much easier when you perceive everything as a threat.


Looked to me like about two or three seconds. So much wrong.


Well, at least he’s been charged. That’s better than the majority.


Let’s hope for a non-racist jury.