Windows 10 update secrets

The peer-to-peer stuff fucked our wifi for like two or three days.

In the past I thought I could “fix” it by blocking some router ports but it didn’t really work. It’s not like Microsoft is going to document anything so we can reliably make it stop.

The guy whose computer it is blames any problems he has on Comcast :roll_eyes:

If I NEED unfucked wifi for a bit I can log into the router and block him completely, but I don’t think anybody else in the house has even that tiny amount of clue. I’ve explained it to everybody but to them anything I say about it is just WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH


but why did they ditch the free form thing? win 10 forces you to pair a window with another, just like mac does. prior to 10, win-left or win-right was glorious.


Sounds like misdirected requirements.

Before, it was “As a user, I want this window to be maximised over the half of the screen I specify [so I can tile, probably]”.

Now it’s, “As a user, I want to tile this and one other window, with this window tiled in the area I indicate.”


It would be really nice if Winders actually managed windows. The RDS focus stealing and other shit is maddening. “Actually trying to get some shit done here that requires concentration. It’s not my job to chase down fiddly dialog boxes all the fucking time. Taking a few days off to go break some kneecaps in Redmond.”


Try ShutUp10. You’ll need to set the settings each update but totally worth it.

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Still on 7, but we’re supposed to get new hardware soon. Working from home on the 4k tv will become easier with the updated tiling.


It’s not my computer. Dude doesn’t even understand his device is the problem.

I could explain it again but he’ll forget everything I say as soon as I stop talking.


One that I used to use all the time when I was working Helpdesk was Win+Pause. It takes you directly to the System Control Panel, and you’re generally one or two clicks away from the Device Manager.

Another that I keep meaning to use is Win+Tab. It’s like Alt+Tab, but with previews.


You can hit escape after. True, it’s one more key, but you don’t have to choose another window to take the other half.


That’s actually the main one that stood out to me, I’d never seen that one. I’d usually just right-click “My Computer” to get there, but that route’s not as accessible in Win10.


Win + X is one of my favorites.

Part of me wishes the Command Prompt was still default as opposed to Powershell, as Powershell is slower to launch, but it’s all good


I always just do Win + R and cmd.exe. After you type it in once it’s in the remembered list anyhow.

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True. Muscle memory has mapped that to Win CMD [enter] now

Pro Tip - Right click on Command Prompt and choose Open File Location.

  • Right click the Command Prompt Shortcut, choose properties
  • Click Advance
  • Check off Run as Administrator
  • Ok and Ok
  • Enjoy your always elevated Command Prompt.
  • Because, really, if I’m at CLI, I’m damn sure doing something I’ll probably want Admin for.

Also if you want the shift+click “Open command window here” option back, there’s a guide at with a couple of registry keys to change from “Hide” to “Show”. Caveat: they may get reverted back out by updates.


Pfft, amateur! :wink:

Win+R :arrow_right: devmgmt.msc


Look, I love PowerShell. A lot. But I sure a hell don’t want it as a cmd replacement. It’s slow to start, for one (especially when you have a big .profile like me). And then it breaks all my muscle memory around command syntax for things like for, rmdir, and so on.


I have a .reg file for doing just that
saved everywhere I go. This one drives me nuts. Not sure how anybody could have thought this was a good idea.


that’s a miracle. thank you.

in general, i hate hot keys but like the windows key. maybe because at least you know it’s a hot key.


Assuming you’re talking about what I think you are, you can disable this annoying feature in Windows 10.

Settings :arrow_right: System :arrow_right: Multitasking and set “When I snap a window, show what I can snap next to it” to Off.

I know, totally obvious, right?


Thank you for this!

That it’s buried in the settings like that is ominous. I’ve noticed Microsoft buries stuff before they ditch it altogether.