Well… Lecter’s an excellent cook. You might be put off by the ingredients, but the cooking itself would be top-notch.
Saturday I was hanging out in a small local park all day before I could check in to my new lodgings. I sat journaling and sketching most of the time. Throughout the day a few people stopped by, as they tend to do if one is sketching in public. Had some sweet interactions.
But then towards the end, a man came up and stood behind me. I turned to face him and he asked what I was doing. “Just sketching the scene.” Then he said, “I just came over to see what you’re doing. If you’re making a book?” I said, no, just drawing as a hobby. Then he said something like, “I just came over to admire your book.” I think I just kind of nodded acknowledgement then sat for a second, not sure where to go from there. Then he said, " do you have some kind of problem with me?!"
Then he said again that he’d just come over to admire my book, and as he stomped off said, “you could’ve had a better attitude!”
Dude. Do men get fucking scolded like this? WTF?
I guess in addition to not being sexy enough, being too sexy, not being enough or being too much of everything, I’m also doing “minding my own business in the park,” wrong.
Ugh. And these days, such creeps are emboldened.
Rhetorical I’d guess, but to spell it out-- no, they don’t. Because men don’t insist that they have a right to the time and attention of other men, as they do to that of women (usually women they find attractive).
Rhetorical, for sure, but the confirmation is welcome
Having a strange man come stand within arm’s length right behind me is unnerving enough, then the quick pivot to hostility…ugh. Entitled asshole.
Sadly, I suspect, not an unintended result.
I know, right? I mean, she was sitting out in public enjoying herself without putting forth any effort to entertain a man. How bloody dare she?
I’m glad he left without doing anything else. The stress of encounters like that is something some assholes count on as part of why they violate our space / peace of mind in the first place. Sadly, too many others just figure if no one touches us it’s NBD. It affects us, either way. I hope you’re taking care of yourself, and I’m sorry that happened to you.
How awful. And it doesn’t escape notice that she went to visit “Crocodile Lake” and was only in danger from men. So bears are safer, and maybe so are prehistoric reptiles.
Bears and crocodiles aren’t going to sidle up looking for pets and then turn on you when you don’t oblige.
Right? I think the men or bears question might have a different answer if rabies were more prevalent in the ursine world!
Man here. Can confirm.
I’m so sorry.
See, i feel like i need to explain why you should’ve need nicer to me when i came to see what you were doing and…
Edit: Appropriate response:
Heh, good one.
But, even better?

So bears are safer,
I would say the difference is, bears are predictable.