Would you rather...?

This is what I was thinking. If they fuck up my food I can usually see what’s wrong and either a) pull the offending item(s) and get on with things or b) chuck it if they’ve put in something that I am allergic to. I usually can’t tell on the drink until I have a mouthful, and if it’s coffee instead of tea, well, too late. I will get a hangover.


Dinner for the entire island.


More than, if they were edible. (They’re not.)

This is what the result of breeding season looks like:

That’s just a few billion or so crab babies, there…


That appears to be open to debate. Most of the articles I’ve seen on the topic all seem to use the same words:

Not so. Red crabs aren’t the kind of crabs you get at a seafood restaurant. They aren’t edible. Even if you can’t eat them, it’s definitely worth dropping by Christmas Island in December or January to watch a blanket of Red crabs migrate to the ocean and back - just be sure to wear boots.

I’ve seen that on somewhat more than half the pages (at least on the first page of search results) that Google turns up on the question. Essentially copy-and-paste reporting.

But then you see something like this on Answers.com:

They are edible and they are delicious. Local gov’t of Christmas Island discourages killing/eating of them, but they are perfectly good and safe source of food.


I’ll avoid taking any chances, regardless; Im very picky about my seafood.


Hehehe! I hear you. My own tendencies as a foodie are a bit more adventurous - if there’s no real danger of it outright killing me (and there’s none in this case, I gather - they’re not poisonous, just “inferior”), I’ll try anything once.

  • Come back to life after you die at the physical age you desire with your memories and experience intact?
  • The same, but without your memories?

0 voters


Someone once asked me, rhetorically, if I had my life to live over again would I do anything different. The kind of person who gets offended by the snort and the “fuck yes!” seems like some kind of alien sit-com watcher to me. That was one of many times when I realized that my friendship with this person would not go far.


Funny thing is, I don’t really have a memory of most of my life, the way most people do. I remember facts. I remember other people’s stories about what happened. I remember adrenaline charged things, but…

Ask me to recall, or picture things from my past, and I can’t. I don’t have the emotional connection in ways other people seem to.

So I went with keep the memories, because I don’t want to have to go through accumulating useful knowledge again.


Put it this way.

Would I choose to go back in time and re-live my life from my teenage years? Hell no. I like the person I am, more or less, and I like the life I have, more or less, and I wouldn’t want to risk ending up on one of the darker paths I could have trod.

If I were sent back anyway, though, I would certainly do things differently.


There’s lots that I’d do differently. I’d try to avoid causing most of the pain I’ve caused, certainly.

Put it this way: I’d try to avoid doing the bad shit, and I’d make the good shit better. And try to make all-new mistakes instead of the stupid old ones.

An other lifetime would certainly be more interesting than the same one lived over again.


Oh, certainly. But, even then, I think I’d want to know the mistakes I’d made in this one, to do better in the next.


Well, yeah. I checked the memories box!


Would you like to

  • swing on a star
  • carry moonbeams home in a jar
  • be better off than you are

0 voters

... or would you rather be a

  • mule
  • pig
  • fish
  • monkey

0 voters


With no change to your aging, would you rather…

  • Jump up to 1 day in the past.
  • Jump up to 1 day in the future.

0 voters


Come on, you ask this on a Friday?!


Yesterday was a pain.


I said the past for work reasons. I could work one day past deadline, then jump back and hand it in on time.


One day to the past because then I could just skip the pretense of attending the last day of my class and running out to the store earlier in the day.


If you don’t have your memories, have you really come back? What exactly would “you” mean?

If I came back with my memories, there are lots of things I’d do differently. I’d be a better person and probably have more fun. Without my memories, I’d just make a whole lot of mistakes like any new person.