Did you say Backfire Effect?
A useful approach I find is to not be attached to either causes or results. If you accept that both you and your circumstances are ephemeral anyway, then being too attached is the only threat, and it is easy to let go of.
Those episodes are credited in the footnotes/sources.
Radical acceptance.
I wish someone would put me in an MRI and try this shit… Pretty sure my amygdala knows to STFU when a reliable source is talking.
But I think that’s his point, that all of us think we’re being rational and listening to sources that are reliable, but our own confirmation bias can get in the way. We don’t control how our amygdala responses, because it’s not governed by our conscious, rational brain.
IME my emotional responses actually are informed by my intellect. It’s not an immediate relationship, but over time I’ve found that I can steer my instincts to a large extent.
I doubt that’s a unique superpower.