ZX Spectrum Kickstarter

SCUMM would be in that list somewhere too, I suspect. :slight_smile:


Add old Sierra games (Police Quest, Conquests of Camelot, etc) to that list too. I used to play those on a Z-DOS system, and aside from a tendency to crash on a scene change every hour or so they ran without complaint… so if actual MS-DOS is running, you’d probably be golden. :wink:


Really we should let the commander have first go.

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I remember that game! I played that. It’s Commander Keen, if I remember correctly.

ETA: just Googled it, and I was right. :wink:

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You mean it’s not installed on your pc and phone still?

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I used to play on an old 386 that gave up the ghost years ago. But I may have to go looking for new versions… :grin: