If it’s possible to be a female Time Lord…
A neighbor told NBC affiliate WAVE of Louisville that the two men have had ongoing problems and that Paul was mowing the lawn at the time of the assault.
Sounds more personal than political. I bet if I were Pauls neighbor I’d have a nice spite fence in place.
I think someone forgot their safeword.
we too have a lot of words for snow ( and ice ). off the top of my head: snow, slush, sludge, ice, icicle, iceberg, frost, permafrost, black-ice, sleet, hail, snowflake. related words like: slick, snow bank, snow drift, snow pack, ice shelf, avalanche, dusting, rime, tundra, glacier.
while i don’t doubt that inuit have a fair number of words for ice – i’m not sure whether it has quite the weight people imply it does.
Flurry, powder, sleet, hailstones, pellets, freezing rain
Ice cube, ice chunk, ice crystal, snowball
Lets say there weren’t another hundred and eight in their dialect - instead, let me go with for the number of words dwarves have for their degree of dislike of elves then, as it was only an analogy.
but they may be more inclined to repair the damage done, living on an island and all.
Not enough. What is the word for “the fucking mountain range of hard-packed fucking snow the fucking snowplow leaves across my fucking driveway every fucking time we get two fucking centimetres of fluffy fucking powder”?
Isn’t that the literal translation of “Detroit”?
So actually we do have many words for it: Detroit, Toronto, Montreal…
and yet the english isles are even smaller.
i think it’s interesting to speculate on how language can influence our thinking. i think, in some sense, everything about our lives influence who we are as individuals - i just don’t think we can really draw any deep distinctions amongst people like that.
most distinctions happen after the fact. because we can observe clustering of behaviors we label that clustering. to predict the clustering is basically impossible ( which would be needed to make it a science ), and to attribute causal effects?
most of it tends to be “it is because it is.” history. and, not something deeper and more scientific like genetics is regarding speciation.
fucking iceplowbergs. hate em.
with totally different topography.
I didn’t come here to argue. Do you think my point about lattitude has any merit, or are you here to pick apart my unnecessary analogies as weak. They’re explanatory, not for proof. I’d rather let those go and get back to the point.
Studies of mass extinctions suggest most occurred when large igneous provinces – giant fields of basalt lava – ignited fossil fuel reserves. This caused climate whiplashes due to extreme cooling in the short-term, and extreme CO2-related warming in the long term:
Fortunately modern humans can observe the mantle in enough detail to predict the eruption of large igneous plumes millions of years in advance, and we should be safe from that for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, modern humans seem to be releasing carbon at rates comparable to those eruptions:
Climate warming, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and dead zones are happening now as they did then. It’s simply how the planet works. Earth is responding to us just as it did to [Large Igneous Provinces], and it is trying to kill us, now.
Not enough to cancel the apocalypse, but a start:
Seriously? One would think that the coup would have been on Nov 5th, due to the historical and cultural parallels.
Maybe they didn’t remember, remember, etc., etc.