Apocalypse Watch

The New York City Marathon was run today. It used to be run in October, but the temperatures were getting too warm.

By the way, the high temperature today was 72.

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Rio Tinto, you’ve done it again!


How is this part of the apocalypse?

Anyways, good for her! She needs to read some Bombeck.

Seriously. In “Motherhood: The Second Oldest Profession”, Erma shares that she’d received a letter from a woman in jail who’d killed her children and was in solitary, where she’d discovered and been reading some of Erma’s earlier works. The letter stated that had she read Erma before she’d committed her crime, she probably wouldn’t be where she was.


Ok, you caught me, it was a little bit tongue-in-cheek.


Now, it would be a signal of the apocalypse coming were I to go on a total one-woman-Merry-Maids cleaning binge.

Don’t worry, I’ll warn ya.

side note: the only way I can remember how to spell “apocalypse” properly is from the word “calypso”, one of my favorite musical genres.


Around 6:00 tonight I looked out the window where I work. I don’t sit near a window. It was dark. I wondered if there was a thunderstorm coming.

I left around 6:30. There was no rain, just the strong smell of smoke from the Canadian wildfires. New York smells like a fireplace. And I feel pretty secure in guessing it is a pine forest that is ablaze.

I took pictures if you want to see what it looked like. They’re on my Instagram account. When I took the pictures the AQI was 153. Pretty bad. Now it’s up to 198.

“This is like living in Pittsburg. If you call that living.”
Groucho Marx

Taken with an iPhone. It was all I had.


The Statue of Liberty with sailboats seen through the smoke from wildfires.



That explains that weird light yesterday morning and the orange full moon, plus the haziness today.


Looked similar here.

This morning my wife asked me “What is that, is that red thing the moon?” I said “No, it’s the sun. Just very smoggy today.” She said “Smog? This is Vermont! We can’t have smog here.”

Shortly afterward we saw the weather alerts on our phone. “Air Quality: Unhealthy” Later there was a message that people should wear masks outside, possibly even inside if they were a health risk.

My response was Blame Canada. :rofl:


AQI right now in Manhattan is 332.
That’s pretty smokey.


Glad I’m not in Scranton


Scranton looks like Reno was a couple summers ago, when all the fires were burning down northern California. we had AQIs of 400 or so. hooray for air filters, that’s all i can say. we don’t have AC, so we’d have to open the house up at night or in the morning to cool the place down, and once that was a bearable temp for the day we’d shut it all up and use a portable air filter in whichever room we were in. at least we were able to sleep at night without headaches.


ooh, how do I get weather alerts on MY phone :open_mouth:

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Curiously, although I spent the afternoon watching the AQI numbers more than double, the air outside wasn’t that bad.

When I left my hermetically-sealed office building this evening, I was expecting to walk into a wall of thick smoke. But really it feels more mild than it was last night. I can’t explain it.

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‘Mexico filter’ applied.

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I um…really don’t know. I don’t think I set it up or configured it anywhere.

Sometimes our phones just do stuff of their own accord nowadays. Sometimes it’s annoying, but sometimes it’s useful. It’s not like a computer, so I don’t know how to coerce it to do useful but not annoying things.

This is how I know I’m starting to get old.