Biden Our Time

… Brexit has not plunged the UK into a depression — the rest of the world is just experiencing a new kind of harmful growth :thinking:


Love that!


I like Joe Biden as a person. He reminds me of my Uncle Dick Kane who was about as nice and caring as an uncle could be (he was an in-law, too). He had severe rheumatoid arthritis, but the worst complaint he would make is, 'Eh, I could be doing a bit better."

The only thing I question in this article is Lindsay Graham’s opinion of Joe. I mean, he’s the same guy who can’t make his mind up about Trump, along with many others; then again, Trump is no Joe Biden.

Though politically, he could move away from the center a little more, but he’s doing the best he can. Maybe after he’s out of office (in 2028, I hope!), he’ll still have enough get-up-and-go to do an Ice-Cream Tour of the US by train! Talk about your whistle-stops, LOL!



Some analysis:

Aziz Huq, professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School and author of the forthcoming The Rule of Law: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2024), offers legal analysis of the Supreme Court’s final day of opinions, on immunity for former president Trump and regarding social media companies regulating misinformation on their platforms

I was hoping for some calming legal observations, but no, it’s as bad as you imagine.

So what nefarious acts should Biden get up to now that he has immunity for “official acts?”

Should he collect every Republican in the House or Representatives and hold them as “guests” at Camp David? That could be step one, since then no one could impeach him.

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I’m starting to think of this election as pro or anti Project 2025, with the people as placeholders for that. It’s a piece of nasty business and it needs to be accurately publicized, no need for hyperbole.


Too bad there are so many people who think “gummint is the problem, not the solution,” when they depend on lots of things they don’t recognize.

They’ll be surprised.


… or, “democracy is the problem, not the solution”


Fetterman suggested nine questions for George Stephanopoulos to ask President Biden in their Friday interview.

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Imagine the conspiracy theories if he dies.


It would be unwise, IMNSHO, to ignore Bernie’s influence on a wide swath of Dem & Indie voters, same with AOC. The Establishment seems to’ve forgotten that not only do old men get older (if they’re lucky), but everyone under voting age gets old enough to vote (if they’re lucky)! And it burns me that the folks who wanted Biden in are now in a pearl-twisting panic because he’s GASP aged since they nominated him in 2020. WTF?


Right now, Trump might win. If Biden is dumped in a panic at this late date, Trump will definitely win.

There is only one last-minute candidate who would have a chance to beat Trump — Barak Obama.

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This dissent and uncertainty, aired publicly even, is very very bad. The Democrats are basically giving up the election by doing that. And it irritates me that they’re too stupid to see that.

There’s no plausible alternative.

A lefty like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? While many of us might love to see that, but they don’t have the confidence, and would lose the rightish-centrist side of the Democrat block.

Another traditional establishment neoliberal that nobody really knows of? That’s no way to get the voters excited. Would decrease turnout, which is how most Democrat elections are lost. And they’d lose the left side of the block.

And Kamala Harris? Well she might be fine but she’s not popular to start with and, as much as I hate to say it, as a black woman, she has two more strikes against her to some voters. You really don’t want your candidate to have three strikes against them from the start in a close race.

So the Democrats calling for Biden to step down, unless they have some miracle to pull out of their asses, are really doing a disservice to the nation. Of course we would all like a better candidate, but we just don’t have one. And in an election this critical, that’s kind of important.

How can they not see that?