I don’t know that’s entirely fair. There were people who put a lot of thought into it, and brought their own empathy and expertise.
Just not the people who made the decision.
I don’t know that’s entirely fair. There were people who put a lot of thought into it, and brought their own empathy and expertise.
Just not the people who made the decision.
I didn’t have anyone in mind other than those who made the decision (to dump the community).
that’s weird. never expected to make anyone’s year-end list. startling to see my handle in that mix.
i need a hobby…
Enriching people’s lives with keybilly wisdom and humor seems like a legit hobby.
Right? Me too… I’m sure I’m on that list, but I anonymized, so am not sure which anon I am…
i figured you to be one of the top “anons” in that list.
see you tomorrow, same time, same channel?
You can’t comment on the year-end review but you can still summarize it with AI!
I can tell you you’re not anon94804983, because it is I.
I went to a thread I knew I’d posted on and found one of my comments I recognized. That’s how I figured out which anon I am.
Thanks! I meant to write it down when I anonymized, but don’t think I ever did… I could go figure out which I am, but I’m not sure I can be arsed!
I certainly can’t be arsed. After the way we were treated, I’ve never even been to the Nazi Bar version of BB.
I was curious about whether I was mentioned in the end-of-year thingy, which is at TOP, not the BB Room at the nazi bar.
Whaddaya know?! anon94804983 is #3 in Likes Given
I thought you were only liking my posts!
omg I love her!
Apparently I write a lot of things that “don’t make sense” and “require correction” because the only list I made it on was “Most Replied To”
Oh, now, that’s just silly.
You got so many replies b/c we wanted to tell you how epic your comments were, how fabulous you are, etc etc ad beatitudinem!
Damn, that’s just grim.
Gonna be a sizeable amount of that in 2025.
Looking back hurts too much, these days especially, for me.
I need all my strength now, all my mental marbles, for 2025 and beyond.
I will focus on the prospective more than the retrospective.
This means I usually end up recalling this pep talk from Ovid, which long ago I had committed to memory back in my second university year of Latin. Translated:
"All things change, nothing is extinguished. There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by in constant movement.”
Having had a bit of time to digest How It All Went Down over there at TOP, I find myself increasingly grateful that it lasted as long as it did.
I owe a huge debt of thanks to @orenwolf (thank you forever, Ken).
And I owe many of you here at Elsewhere big thanks for the many kindnesses you have shown me.
Ovid again gives me a chance to end this post on an upnote:
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
Citations from:
I just had a sudden bleak thought.
To the best of my understanding, BBS is going to be kept in stasis indefinitely. But as we’ve seen, “stasis” just means that all posts have been flipped to “no replies allowed” and no new posts are permitted. But clearly the system can still post; it’s only “real” users who are affected.
In January 2026, are we going to see the shambling zombie of the BBS disgorge an annual review reporting no activity except for January 2025’s automated review? That would sure be grim. And sad.