But really isn't it ALWAYS Halloween, Halloween, Halloween! đŸ‘»


I don’t think I agree that Dead of Night is one of the greatest horror movies ever made, the stories are too uneven. I’m not even certain that “The Ventriloquist’s Dummy” is the best story in the film, as “The Haunted Mirror” is also a very strong, if less flashy, contender. Regardless, Michael Redgrave gives an outstanding performance and this particular story is, for all practical purposes, the originator of the evil ventriloquist dummy trope. A must see.

Oddly enough, this clip is being hosted on progressive political website Crooks and Liars.


We had a virtual pumpkin carving party, I made a vampire and my partner made a kitty.


I missed this one last year
 nice Obama deepfake, though it’s kind of scary what the tech is capable of.


Toby Dammit (1968) Dir: Federico Fellini
With Terence Stamp

Yet another anthology film segment, this one snipped from Spirits of the Dead aka Histoires extraordinaires which featured three directors, Roger Vadim, Louis Malle, and Fellini, directing three Poe stories. Reportedly, the Vadim and Malle segments are fairly negligible, but the Fellini is a lot of fun. It’s a fairly loose adaptation of “Never Bet the Devil Your Head” set in a modern day Rome where drunk and dissolute Brit actor Terence Stamp arrives to star in a spaghetti western film of the life of Christ, but first has to go through the ordeals of producer meetings, interviews, and an award ceremony, before he can receive his payment of a brand new Ferrari. (Useless trivia note: Orson Welles, one of the originally proposed directors of Spirits, claimed to have planned to film his own Western Jesus film.) Fellini doesn’t necessarily capture the horror of Poe (we believe Stamp is in hell, but it doesn’t feel like we are), but then again, the original story was really a satire rather than horror, and Fellini does quite a good job of capturing Poe’s humor, which was always much more funny-strange than funny-haha.


Here’s the pumpkin I carved this year, and it took entirely too long in planning.

I figure it might scare a few people in the neighborhood


amazing. i’m more worried that some trumper will take it and smash it in the street!




The Werewolf (1956) Dir: Fred F. Sears Prod: Sam Katzman

A moody little number about a poor schmuck who gets turned into a werewolf by a couple of mad scientists who inject him with “irradiated wolf serum” in an attempt to create a vaccine against the coming nuclear holocaust. He runs amuck in a small mountain town pursued by the law, the mad scientists (who want to make certain he’s not taken alive), and his wife and son. Rather than the traditional “is he or isn’t he?” it’s made clear to both the audience and the authorities that they’ve got a wolfman on their hands early in the picture and by movie’s end we’ve got a torch wielding mob in hot pursuit. Attractively photographed in authentic snowy settings and with a nicely tormented performance from Steven Ritch as our loopy loup-garou, it’s not a bad way to spend an hour and change.


This caught on in a flash, and beat out the Cryptkicker 5-Hour Energy Shot Spuds in a taste test


“14% real potatoes”

Needs to be made with more real monsters. Typical false advertising, just like girl scout cookies.


Is that a picture of them before or after you eat them?


Both. Definitely both.


Yanked from the other place. Remastered/restored version of Disney’s “The Skeleton Dance.” Astoundingly great quality. To avoid copyright detection, they’ve left/right reversed it and slowed it to half speed. The reversal doesn’t really matter and you can simply play it back at 2x speed and it’s fine. Although, the half speed version is interesting, too.

Boy, this thread has been comparatively dead this year. Was it Dio that did it?


I was planning to write a four-part essay on the subject of shadow people. But frankly I’m too disturbed by the up-coming election to focus on it. Things are scary enough.


i blame the virus for killing halloween zeal this year, at least around my place.


Yeah, I don’t have much verve when it comes to Halloween, apart from making a few things. I crocheted a dissent collar for my sister, who will be RGB today. And, for my nieces, I got some sugar skulls fabric and mermaid-witch/kitty-witch fabrics to make masks. But, I mailed them off before taking photos, because I am apparently a soooper-genius, LOL.

I’ll console myself with candy, but that’s not really a holiday themed thing, it’s mostly just 2020.


This is from three years ago, but still cool!